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What's New!

Dayne Zimmerman edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 80 revisions

New Features

Commands Added in 2.07

  • appendWindow - Appends text to the contents of a status window.
  • center - Adds spaces to each side of a string so the text is in the middle.
  • clearWindow - Clears the contents of a status window..
  • dateTimeAdd - Increments the Unix/Julian Datetimes by specified amount.
  • dateTimeDiff - Gets the difference between two Unix/Julian Datetimes.
  • dateTimeToStr - Converts a Unix/Julian Datetimes to strring with an optional forrmat.
  • defaultStyle - Sets the default appearance of status windows.
  • echoEx - Extended version of echo. Converts ASCII boxes to CP437..
  • getDateTime - Retrieves the current Unix/Julian Datetime.
  • getDateOnly - Retrieves the current Unix/Julian Date Only.
  • getWords - Cut multiple words from the current line.
  • repeat - Repeats a string the requested number of times.
  • setSystemVar - Sets the value of a System Varable.
  • sync - Sends an invisible char and waits for it to echo.
  • sleep - Wait specified time before executing next command.
  • textVar - Creates a varName from a string.
  • windowStyle - Sets the current appearance of a status window.
  • writeEx - Extended version of write. Converts ASCII boxes to CP437..

Commands Added in 2.06

  • addQuickText - Sets text snippets for echo.
  • clearGlobals - Clears all global variables from memory.
  • clearQuickText - Clears text snippets for echo.
  • closeDatabase - Closes an the active database.
  • closeInstance - Closes a new instance of TWXP.
  • concat - Combines the text from multiple strings into a single string.
  • copyDatabase - Copies an existing database with the specified name.
  • createDatabase - Creates a new database with the specified name and size.
  • deleteDatabase - Deletes an existing database.
  • dirExists - Checks to see if a directory exists.
  • editDatabase - Edits the details of an existing database.
  • find - Finds the specified value in an array.
  • findall - Returns an array of all matching strings.
  • getBotList - Retrieves a list of all available Bots.
  • getDeafClients - Retrieves the status of any deaf clients.
  • labelExists - Checks to see if a label exists.
  • listDatabases - Retrieves a list of available databases.
  • listGlobals - Retrieves a list of global names and values.
  • loadGlobal - Loads a variable from a global array.
  • modulus - Calculates the remainder of a division operation.
  • openDatabase - opens an existing database for use.
  • openInstance - opens a new instance of TWXP.
  • resetDatabase - Resets an existing database for a Re-Bang or Script Testing.
  • reqVersion - Will halt script if the TWX version is to old.
  • saveGlobal - Saves a variable to a global array.
  • setAutoTrigger - Creates a trigger that will respond to the event.
  • setDeafClients - Sets the deaf status on all clients.
  • sort - Sorts a one dimensional array of strings.
  • startTimer - Starts a performance timer.
  • stopAll - Stops all running scripts optionally including system scripts.
  • stopTimer - Stops a performance timer, and returns the time elapsed.
  • stripANSI - Removes ANSI characters from a variable.
  • switchBot - Kills previous bot, and loads the specified or next bot.
  • updateQS - Updates stats from the '/' command.

New System Variables to hold QuickStats data and a few others.

Commands Added in 2.05

  • cutLengths - Cuts the lengths of an array of strings.
  • format - Applies a specified format to a string.
  • getDirList - Gets a list of files from a directory.
  • getWordCount - Counts the words in a string.
  • MakeDir - Creates a directory.
  • padLeft - Add spaces to the left of a variable.
  • padRight - Add spaces to the right of a variable.
  • RemoveDir - Removes a directory.
  • setMenuKey - Sets the menu key used to activate TWX.
  • splitText - Splits a string into an array of words.
  • trim - Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.
  • truncate - Calculates the integral part of a specified decimal number.
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