A fast wrapper around git log
and similar commands,
for when the git repository is too large to use flog.
Large parts of the code were sloppily copy-pasted from flog, as this is just a proof-of-concept.
This plugin allows you to open a terminal with its own filetype and mappings which operate on the output of the git log command. By using a pager inside the terminal, only the commits immediately necessary for drawing the screen are accessed.
Example mappings to put in your vimrc:
nnoremap <Leader>glq :call instaflog#open()<CR>
augroup InstaFlogMappings
autocmd FileType instaflog nno <buffer> <Leader>m :<C-U>call flogmenu#open_main_contextmenu()<CR>
autocmd FileType instaflog vno <buffer> <Leader>m :<C-U>call flogmenu#open_visual_contextmenu()<CR>
augroup END