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<⚡⚛️> Vite React Library Template

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⚡ Using this Vite template

  1. Create your project based on this template:
    • a) If you want to create a GitHub repository, we would recommend to use the GitHub "Use this template" button and clone your newly created repository
    • b) If you prefer to just create a local project, you can use degit:
      npx degit TechHoruser/typescript-react-library-template#main my-app
  2. Update your project meta-information:
    • Update the package.json:
      • Specify proper values for the name, author and license properties
      • Specify the file name for the main and module properties
      • If you wish to expose multiple entry points, follow this structure:
         "name": "my-component",
         "type": "module",
         "files": ["dist"],
         "main": "./dist/my-component.cjs",
         "module": "./dist/my-component.js",
         "exports": {
           ".": {
             "import": "./dist/my-component.js",
             "require": "./dist/my-component.cjs"
           "./secondary": {
             "import": "./dist/secondary.js",
             "require": "./dist/secondary.cjs"
    • Change the name and fileName in vite.config.ts to match the file name specified in the package.json
    • Change the author in LICENSE
    • If you want to create a private component, you need to change access: public into publish.yml file and "private": false, into package.json file
    • Clean up this
  3. Set up your GitHub Actions workflow:
    • If you do not wish to publish to npm, you can delete the .github/workflows/publish.yml
    • If you do wish to publish to npm, you can delete the .github/workflows/CI.yml and set up your token following the instructions below.
  4. Run your library: 2. npm install: Install all the project dependencies 3. npm run cy:open: Start cypress 3. npm run docs: Start the Storybook dev mode on localhost:6006

📚 Documentation

  • npm run docs: Run Storybook documentation in dev mode
  • npm run build:docs: Build Storybook documentation

✅ Testing

This template comes with both Jest and Cypress component testing. Since this is a template for a component library, we feel it doesn't make sense to use the e2e Cypress option, but feel free to change it to your needs.

Unit tests

npm run test: Run unit tests with Jest and React Testing Library npm run test:watch: Run unit tests on watch mode

Component tests

  npm run cy:open: Open Cypress in dev mode
  npm run cy:run: Execute Cypress in CLI

🔦 Linting

  • npm run lint: Run linter
  • npm run lint:fix: Fix lint issues

🚀 CI and Publishing

This template comes with a GitHub Actions workflow to automatically publish on any push to main when the package.json version number differs from the latest on npm. Please note that you need to create the package on NPM first.

For it to work you will need to add an NPM_TOKEN secret to your repo:

  1. Create an automation token in NPM
  2. Go to your GitHub Repository Settings / Secrets / Actions
  3. Click on the "New repository secret" button
  4. Fill in the form:
    • Name: NPM_TOKEN
    • Secret: the NPM token value

Read the full documentation on the npm-publish action.

🌈 Tech Stack


👻 Why not adding .vscode or .idea to the .gitignore template

These are folders created due to personal environment preferences. We should ignore these personal development environment preferences to be ignored using your global .gitignore file and leave the project .gitignore file as clean as possible, that is, only containing the project specific rules.

You can create a .gitignore_global file with rules that will apply to all your repositories with:

touch ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

🔀 Related information

This application was generated using the <⚡⚛️> TypeScript React Library Template. Feel free to check it out and star the repo! 🌟😊🙌