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Technotoad64 edited this page Apr 17, 2022 · 6 revisions

The Inverse is a biome that generates in the leftmost 1/4 of the underworld layer after Plantera is defeated. Inverse doesn't suppress the spawn of underground and cavern enemies, but it does suppress the spawn of underworld enemies.

When the Inverse generates, the leftmost 1/4 of the underworld has its Ash blocks converted to Dirt blocks, and Dirt blocks exposed to air grow Podzol and Pine Trees on them. Lava is converted to Water, and the underworld's usual effect of evaporating water is overridden.

While in the Inverse, all players, enemies, and NPCs receive the Inverted debuff, reversing their gravity as if using the Gravity Globe, and also causing them to glow bluish-white.



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Jersey Devil Jersey Devil? Mothman
Chupacabra Dynasty Death Worm Sasquatch
Big Foot? Bunyip
Wolpertinger Jackalope


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