- Navigate to the directory in which you have the project downloaded.
- Run 'pod install'
- Open the newly created workspace file in the project directory.
- The app is ready to run
- Core feature: The user should be able to chat with an AI chat bot and the chat bot will initiate a conversation.
- Cool: Having the bot being able to detect if the user is happy or sad
- Chat logs should be persisted
- No image support
- Flow: User enters a message. Message is processed and given to the chat bot as input. Chat bot outputs a message which will then be displayed as a message in the UI.
- Use Raywenderlich's chat project as a template to start
- MessageKit will design the chat UI for me
- Got to find some AI library online. Not sure if CoreML will support my needs
- Concepts: MVVM, Factories, Object oriented programming
- Classes: Setup, ChatView, SettingsView
- Firestone database for cloud and offline database
- UserDefaults for preferences
- Messages will be stored in a message struct provided by MessageKit
- Cocoapods
- Firebase
- MessageKit
- CoreML?