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Thanix is an experimental cli application written in Rust for generating Rust code from yaml schema files like they are found as openAPI schemas.
Be aware that Thanix currently is only developed on and for Linux distributions.
Support for other operating systems may be available in the future, but currently though it is not guaranteed to work.
Building from source provides you with the most recent updates and changes to Thanix. However, be aware that these may be unstable, so downloading a tagged release is advised.
Also, make sure you have the Rust programming language and Cargo installed.
To build Thanix from source you need to follow these steps:
- Download the source code. To do so, run this command in your Terminal:
git clone git@github.com:The-Nazara-Project/Thanix.git
This will create a new directory called Thanix
, move into it.
- Run the application directly
You can now run Thanix using the cargo run
command. However, this process may take longer and may feel less
Do not forget to pass the required CLI parameters to Thanix when doing this.
cargo run -- $PATH_TO_YOUR_YAML --output $PATH_TO_YOUR_OUTPUT
This may look like this:
cargo run -- ./api_config.yaml --output thanix_client/
This step will result in your thanix_client
being generated.
To view the next steps please scroll down to the Usage section.
- Install Thanix using
cargo install
You can also install the crate on your system, so you always have it available. To do so, run this command while in the Thanix project directory:
cargo install --path .
This will install Thanix onto your system and it can be executed by simply running thanix
in your terminal.
Thanix is also published on crates.io.
To install it simply run:
cargo install thanix
We are working on building packages for a variety of Linux distributions starting with openSUSE Tumbleweed
You can install Thanix for openSUSE Tumbleweed using these steps:
- Add Repository
sudo zypper ar https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ByteOtter:/nazara-project/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/home:ByteOtter:nazara-project.repo
- Refresh Repositories
sudo zypper ref
- Install Thanix
sudo zypper install Thanix
Zypper should now install Thanix for you.
NOTE: The repository location is temporary and will be changed once Thanix is out of beta. If you do not wish to deal with this, we suggest you install Thanix using one of the methods listed above. Thank you for understanding.
After you have installed Thanix in a way you see fit, you use it by passing it two mandatory parameters like this:
thanix $YOUR_API_YAML --output thanix_client/
- The
parameter is the path to your.yaml
-file you want to use as an input. This is usually the API schema file your want to generate a client for. - The
parameter is optional and refers to the path where thanix' output should be put. If omitted, it will create aoutput
directory in your current wokring directory. - The
flag can be set to allow Thanix to create a strongly opinionated version ofthanix_client
. This is primarily used to avoid serialization errors when handling API object responses which we have confirmed to diverge from the values expected according to the schema.
The --workaround
flag is only useful when creating a client for NetBox
. In other cases it might produce
a broken or unsafe API client by weakening response data validation.