Management framework for chroot environments on NetBSD.
- Clone the repository.
- Execute the script.
- Execute the script, as root.
- Start the service.
You can manage Virtual Environments with rootctl:
- Start VE
rootctl start [name]
- Stop VE
rootctl stop [name]
- Spawn shell
rootctl shell [name]
- Remove VE
rootctl rm [name]
- Pause VE
rootctl pause [name]
- Resume VE
rooctl resume [name]
- List all VE
rootctl ls
- List active VE
rootctl ps
Root = "/root/site/"
Autoboot = false
Directory = "/root"
Uid = 0
Gid = 0
Environment = ["TERM=xterm", "HOME=/root"]
CommandPath = "/bin/ksh"
CommandArgs = ["-l"]
Networking = true
Interface = "tap0"
AddressV4 = ""
NetmaskV4 = ""