Lewee is an opinionated set of packages to assist with setting up a domain-driven design architecture within ASP.Net.
Below is summary of the dependencies used by Lewee. Note that this isn't a list of NuGet packages, just a high-level list of software used and each can have several related NuGet packages.
- .Net 8
- Serilog
- Entity Framework (using SQL Server)
- Mediatr
- FastEndpoints
- FluentValidation
- Ardalis.Specification
- xUnit
- .Net CLI
- Docker Desktop
Execute the following in a terminal at the root of this Git repository.
docker compose up -d
dotnet run --project .\sample\Sample.Restaurant.Server\
Navigate to https://localhost:54577.
Lewee uses the Gitflow branching model, which keeps the main
branch clean and essentially represents the latest version available in production.
The develop
branch is the default branch and what you should branch from to implement features and fix bugs.
Both main
and develop
have branch protection rules applied and can only take commits via pull requests.
The develop
branch protection rules require a the PR branch to be up-to-date with develop
and have a linear history.