This project depends on some very specific commits of some old libraries. Long story short, I just bundled these and made some fixes so they build in 2021, they are in the "dependencies" directory, so:
- build dependencies/libdansdl2
- update the dependencies/tools makefile so the libdansdl2 paths match what you built in step 1
- build dependencies/tools
- update the main makefile so the dependencies point at these things you just built.
- build the main application.
- June, 8th 2021, version 1.1 (titles, credits, fixes)
- June, 3rd 2021, AppImage build.
- June, 2nd 2021, bundling deps.
- As of nov 5th 2015, the code has been patched to require the compatibility layer in the repository "capa_compatibilidad_libdansdl2" and to link with SDL2_tff (even though it is not used). Should the code be updated the compatibility layer will be removed.