My name is Theo. I am currently a computer science and mathematics student at Harvey Mudd College. Feel free to look around at my projects and reach out if you have any questions/have something fun to talk about!
Check out my website for a more detailed description of my projects: (hopefully I can keep this relatively updated).
- - A better way to interact with the Spotify API.
- The Game of Gradients - Develop an intuitive understanding of gradient fields.
- pjcr - Stop wasting time creating all those files when starting a project.
- Metric Space Circles - Play around with funky circles and ellipses in different metric spaces. A final project for Mathematical Analysis (MATH131).
- StudentLive - Scrappy backend for a Chrome extension developed to increase class participation (24-hour Hackathon project).
- Generative Quantum NLP - Exploration of quantum logic for NLP. A final project for my Quantum Information & Computation class.