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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 13, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This dotfiles are currently unused and unmaintained due to me forking this work to my main theory-of-everything/dotfiles repo

The goal

The rationale behind these dots are to be as Keyboard-centric as possible, elimainating mouse use as much as possible. However, these dots are also designed to be usable in a more traditional stacking style of wm. Versatility is key. Another key point is performace, as I want as much resources possible avalible to apps that actually need it, not to my wm.

These dots are a work in progress, so expect thing to not work or not be present.

Also note: Caps Lock is rebound to the Escape key (because capslock is useless)


These dotfiles are managed with dotdrop. If you wanna give these dots a try or want to contribute clone this repo:

$ git clone
$ cd artix-dots

Update the submodules:

$ git submodule update --recursive

Install the dots (NOTE: This will overwite exsisting dotfiles)

$ ./ install artix


  1. Add wiki docs
  2. actually improve the awesome config
  3. make a better "installer"


Empty Destop

Terminal Apps

Floating Window on Desktop


Window Manipultion:

  • Mod + W : Close/Kill Window
  • Mod + H / J : Focus Up/Down Stack
  • Mod + H / L : Master Node Width Left/Right
  • Mod + E : Pull Window to Master Node

Tag Manipulation

  • Mod + [ / ] : Previous/Next Tag/Workspace
  • Mod + 1 - 9 : Switch to Tag 1-9
  • Ctrl + Mod + 1 - 9 : Pull Windows from Tags 1-9
  • Shift + Mod + 1 - 9 : Send Windows to Tags 1-9

App Binds

  • Mod + Enter : Opens Terminal
  • Mod + Q : Open App Launcher
  • Mod + A : AwesomeWM Menu
  • F12 : Open Dropdown Terminal
  • F11 : Open Dropdown Task Manager (htop)


  • Shift + Mod + s : Take Selection Screenshot
  • Print : Take Screenshot



  • Distro: Artix Linux
  • WM: AwesomeWM
  • DM: lighdm
  • Compositor: ibhagwan/picom
  • Wallpaper Manager: nitrogen
  • Launcher: rofi


  • Terminal: rxvt-unicode
  • Term Editor: neovim-nightly
  • IDE/Text Editor: vscode - oss

General-Use Apps:

  • File Manger: Thunar
  • Feed Reader: newsboat
  • Video Player mpv
  • Doc Veiwer: zathura
  • Screenshot Tool: maim


  • gtk Theme: Yaru-Colors Green
  • term theme: custom Xresources
  • term font: agave Nerd Font
  • bar font: cozette Bitmap (Probably scentifica soon lamo)