A command-line app made in C++ for fun.
This used to be the main cbos but I rewrote it in python and now this is a side project
This probably will almost never get updated btw
Make sure to go check out the main C-Bos
If you dont want to compile from source then just install gcc then download the latest version of cbos-cpp and run the exe
Then type help
Install gcc installed (search up a tutorial on how to install it)
Then run g++ main.cpp -o main -lws2_32
in the cbos dir and it should be compiled!
Also the exe only works on windows and I'm using a windows only lib to make httplib work sorry.
Gcc is required to run this program. It has libraries that come with it that cbos-cpp needs.
C-Bos C++ has been discontinued as of september 16th 2024.
It got discontinued because on that date I switched to linux and this is windows only.