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A DADA2 pipeline using rbcl markers libraries and a Phyloseq script to output graphical results.

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DADA2 and Phyloseq pipelines


This pipeline has been written from the DADA2 script developped by Francois Keck and the files conversion for Phyloseq of the ANF MetaBioDiv workshop.

It uses the reference database manager for R to access the rbcL 312 database for DADA2, so no local database is needed.

Other elements have been written from the official DADA2 documentation and official tutorial.


The DADA2.R and Phyloseq.R scripts used by the pipeline are located in the scripts directory, and paths are set up to run them from this location. The raw sequencing reads should be stored in the data directory. The pipeline will create a results and a plots directories to store the outputs.

If you are working with RStudio, the default working directory might not be the scripts directory, and might prevent the pipeline to work. The method to fix this problem is detailed in the How to run the pipeline? tutorial, point number 5.

How to run the pipeline?

1. Download the scripts

a. Windows operating system

If you are working in a Windows environment the pipeline can be downloaded on your local computer using the Github repository. Go to the Github page and press the <> Code button located at the top of the screen. You can then copy/paste the directories and files downloaded in the folder of your choice.

b. UNIX-based environment (Mac OS or Linux)

On a BASH shell similar to the linux terminal used to access a remote server, you can use Git to install the pipeline. To install Git, run:

conda install anaconda::git 

Then install the pipeline with:

git clone

c. Directories

In the pipeline you will find a scripts directory countaining two R scripts: DADA2.R and Phyloseq.R. We will run them in this order: DADA2 to identify species in our samples, and Phyloseq to plot the results. Phyloseq will be using the outputs of DADA2 located in the results directory as inputs.

2. Install dependancies

The scripts will install R dependancies needed by the pipeline. However, a recent version of cutadapt is needed. Check the cutadapt website for installation instructions.

a. Windows operating system

The path to the cutadapt executable should be provided between double quotes line 55 of the scripts/DADA2.R file as follow:

cutadapt <- "C:/path/to/cutadapt/executable" 

A simple method to do this is to download the Github executable cutadapt.exe located here and to provide the link to this file line 55 of the scripts/DADA2.R file. By default it is the following line, where you whould replace usr by your user name.

cutadapt <- "C:/Users/usr/Downloads/cutadapt.exe">

b. UNIX-based environment (Mac OS or Linux)

The path of cutadapt should be provided as well.

cutadapt <- "/path/to/cutadapt/executable" 

Alternatively, you may choose to put cutadapt in the $PATH. To do this, open the file bashrc with the following command:

gedit ~/.bashrc

Then paste the path to cutadapt as following.

export PATH=$PATH:/dir_containing_cutadapt

Then the script should run without modifications.

3. Set up primers removal

The DADA2.R script incorporate a primer removal step from the official DADA2 ITS Pipeline Workflow.

The base set of primers used in the pipeline are designed to target a 312bp barcode located on a rbcL plastid gene described by from Vasselon et al. 2017.

If you are using another set of primers, replace the sequence Forward (FWD) and Reverse (REV) in the DADA2.R script lines 36 and 40.

Each primers sequences has to be between double quotes, and different primers has to be separated by a comma. In the base pipeline, 3 Forward primers and 2 Reverse are used as follow.



4. Prepare the reads

In Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data sets, two type of reads are provided in different files. Reads Forward, labelled R1 and Reverse, labelled R2. For each sample, both files R1 and R2 have to be put in the data directory in a compressed format, ending with fastq.gz.

{ID sample number}_L{Sequencing lane number}_R1_001.fastq.gz
{ID sample number}_L{Sequencing lane number}_R2_001.fastq.gz

5. Check the pipeline path

If you are working on RStudio, the woking directory path might not be located in the scripts directory as it is expected when simply running the R script out of RStudio.

To be sure it is the case, go to the RStudio tab Session -> Set Working Directory -> To Source File Location and clic on this later option.

You can now check you are in the scripts directory with the command:


6. Run the Quality Check (QC)

The pipeline can now be run up to the Quality Check steps, enabling to vizualize the quality profiles of Forward and Reverse reads, necessary to adapt the trimming parameters in subsequent steps.

For this, run all the commands located in the SET UP THE ENVIRONMENT, REMOVAL OF PRIMERS, and QC CHECK parts of the DADA2.R script.

The cutadapt step in REMOVAL OF PRIMERS and plotQualityProfile() in QC CHECK are the most time-consuming steps and can last for tens of minutes, depending of the size of the dataset and RAM available.

The pipeline will output graphs about the average error rate observed in the Forward and Reverse reads in the plots directory.

Image 1
Image 2

QC check of the reads Forward and Reverse.

We will use the average QC check to estimate how to trim our reads. Look at the plot, and locate the Cycle value (x-axis) for which the Quality Score (y-axis) start to drop for Forward and Reverse reads.

In the exemple above the Quality Score drops at 220 for Forward reads, and 230 for Reverse reads. Therefore, we will trim our reads at these values.

You can now input these values in the DADA2.R script, line 115. The two values are given toghether in the truncLen option of the function filterAndTrim(). In our case, with the previous scores of 220 and 230 we estimated, the command would be:

out_2 <- filterAndTrim(fas_Fs_process, fas_Fs_filtered, fas_Rs_process, fas_Rs_filtered,
                       truncLen = c(220, 230)

7. Filter and trim

Once the parameters of filterAndTrim() modified, all the commands of the FILTER AND TRIM part of the pipeline can be run. The filterAndTrim() command is time-consuming and took more than 10 minutes to give an output with the ACA_2018 data set (1.4GB of raw reads).

8. Process the rest of the DADA2 pipeline

Learning error rate

The DADA2 algorithm will learn the error rate specific to the data set with a parametric error model, which is going to be used in subsequent steps to remove ambiguous reads. The leanErrors() command is time-consuming as well, and will take tens of minutes to run for both Forward and Reverse sets.

Dereplication, remove chimera, and reads statistics

Subsequently, you might run the DEREPLICATION, SAMPLE INFERENCE & MERGE PAIRED READ, CONSTRUCT SEQUENCE TABLE, REMOVE CHIMERA, TRACK READS THROUGH THE PIPELINE to finish processing the reads and make the seqtab ASVs table.

Assign taxonomy

During the ASSIGN TAXONOMY step, a two-steps ASVs identification will attribute taxonomy to each ASVs with assignTaxonomy(), then use a more stringent species assignement with assignSpecies().

Data saving and plot

Run the rest of the DADA2.R script to save the pipeline outputs in the results directory. These include traditional DADA2 output (from fkeck Github):

  • track_reads.csv provide the number of reads remaining after different steps of filtering.
  • seq_nochim_tax.csv show the outputs of the basic DADA2 assignTaxonomy() command, with ASVs sequence, taxonomic assignement, and bootstraps values for each taxonomic rank.
  • seq_nochim_exact_sp.csv show the more stringent species-level taxonomic attribution from the assignSpecies() command.The file include ASVs sequence, and Genus plus Species identification.

In addition, several files formated specifically for the Phyloseq and BLAST pipeline processing:

  • taxonomy.csv is similar to seq_nochim_tax.csv, but include an unique ASV number for this data set (numerated ASV_0001, ASV_0002, ASV_0003, etc...). Used as input for the Phyloseq module of the pipeline.
  • asv_table.csv show the number of ASV per samples. Each rows represent an ASV and each column is a sample. Used as input for the Phyloseq module of the pipeline.
  • asv.fasta is a FASTA-formated file incorporing ASVs names and sequences. Used as input for the BLAST module of the pipeline.

9. Phyloseq pipeline

We will plot the species abundance distribution from this data set using the Phyloseq.R script, located in the script directory, as the DADA2.R script.

As the Phyloseq.R script is using files produced in step 8 of the pipeline as in input, it does not require to run in the same R session than the DADA2.R script.

You can run all the commands located in the script, which are not requiring editing. The species abundance plots should be saved in the plots directory.


A DADA2 pipeline using rbcl markers libraries and a Phyloseq script to output graphical results.







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