- Verifying BeeGFS CSI Driver Image Signatures
- Deploying to Kubernetes
- Example Application Deployment
- Managing BeeGFS Client Configuration
- Notes for Kubernetes Administrators
- Removing the Driver from Kubernetes
Starting with v1.4.0 of the BeeGFS CSI driver the container images will now be signed with the use of Cosign. The following steps describe the process you can use to verify trust with the signing certificate and to validate that the BeeGFS CSI driver images to be deployed have a valid signature. Verification of the driver's image signatures is optional.
The following tools and files should be available on a Linux host.
- The cosign utility.
- The Cosign public key versioned in the repository at release/cosign.pub.
Identify the image you want to validate. You can validate the image with either the version tag or the image digest. Starting with v1.5.0 of the BeeGFS CSI driver the public key used to sign each release will be maintained at release/cosign.pub.
Use the cosign command to validate the signature of the BeeGFS CSI driver container. Make sure to use the appropriate key file name and tag or digest that you want to use instead of the placeholders.
OPTION 1: Validate the image using the version tag:
cosign verify --key <PUBLIC_KEY_FILE> ghcr.io/thinkparq/beegfs-csi-driver:<TAG>
cosign verify --key cosign.pub ghcr.io/thinkparq/beegfs-csi-driver:v1.7.0
cosign verify --key https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThinkParQ/beegfs-csi-driver/master/release/cosign.pub ghcr.io/thinkparq/beegfs-csi-driver:v1.7.0
OPTION 2: Validate the image using the version tag and digest:
cosign verify --key <PUBLIC_KEY_FILE> ghcr.io/thinkparq/beegfs-csi-driver:<TAG>@SHA256:<DIGEST>
cosign verify --key cosign.pub ghcr.io/thinkparq/beegfs-csi-driver:v1.5.0@SHA256:a6efb4f870003f28a2ee421690f4f9d0e5b8eed0e24b3881fb816a760eb6dfea
cosign verify --key https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThinkParQ/beegfs-csi-driver/master/release/cosign.pub ghcr.io/thinkparq/beegfs-csi-driver:v1.5.0@SHA256:a6efb4f870003f28a2ee421690f4f9d0e5b8eed0e24b3881fb816a760eb6dfea
Kubernetes can be extended to automatically validate container image signatures through the use of Admission Controllers. The admission controller can be configured with the public key of a trusted signer and require that deployed images matching a configured pattern have been signed by that key before the image is allowed to run. Configuration and use of Admission Controllers is beyond the scope of this document. For more information see the documentation for the Admission Controller that you are using.
The following Admission Controllers are known to work with Cosign signatures.
The following MUST be completed on any Kubernetes node (master OR worker) that runs a component of the driver:
- Download the BeeGFS repository file for your Linux distribution to the appropriate directory.
- Using the package manager for your Linux distribution (i.e. yum, apt, zypper)
install the following packages:
- beegfs-client-dkms
- beegfs-helperd
- beegfs-utils
- For BeeGFS versions 7.3.1+ or 7.2.7+, configure the
service (in/etc/beegfs/beegfs-helperd.conf
) withconnDisableAuthentication = true
orconnAuthFile = <path to a connAuthFile shared by all file systems>
. See BeeGFS Helperd Configuration for other options or more details. - Start and enable beegfs-helperd using systemd:
systemctl start beegfs-helperd && systemctl enable beegfs-helperd
IMPORTANT: By default the driver uses the beegfs-client.conf file at /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf for base configuration. Modifying the location of this file is not currently supported without changing kustomization files.
Deployment manifests are provided in this repository under deploy/k8s/ along with
a default BeeGFS Client ConfigMap. The driver is deployed using kubectl apply -k
(kustomize). For more detailed information on how the manifests are organized or
version specific upgrade information, see the Kubernetes deployment
- On a machine with kubectl and access to the Kubernetes cluster where you want
to deploy the BeeGFS CSI driver clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/ThinkParQ/beegfs-csi-driver.git
. - Create a new kustomize overlay (changes made to the default overlay will be
overwritten in subsequent driver versions):
cp -r deploy/k8s/overlays/default deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay
. - If you wish to modify the default BeeGFS client configuration fill in the
empty ConfigMap at deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay/csi-beegfs-config.yaml.
- An example ConfigMap is provided at deploy/k8s/overlays/examples/csi-beegfs-config.yaml. Please see the section on Managing BeeGFS Client Configuration for full details.
- If you are using BeeGFS Connection Based Authentication
fill in the empty Secret config file at
- An example Secret config file is provided at deploy/k8s/overlays/examples/csi-beegfs-connauth.yaml. Please see the section on ConnAuth Configuration for full details.
- Enable any desired patches for the BeeGFS CSI driver configuration by
including a reference to any patch files in the kustomization.yaml file for
the overlay beng used to deploy the driver.
- Example patch files can be found in deploy/k8s/overlays/examples/patches/
- Change to the BeeGFS CSI driver directory (
cd beegfs-csi-driver
) and run:kubectl apply -k deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay
.- Note by default the beegfs-csi-driver image will be pulled from DockerHub. See this section for guidance deploying in offline environments.
- Note that some supported Kubernetes versions may require modified
deployment manifests. Modify the
field in deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay as necessary before deployment (e.g.../../versions/v1.18
- Verify all components are installed and operational:
kubectl get pods -n beegfs-csi
Example command outputs:
-> kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at https://some.fqdn.or.ip:6443
-> kubectl apply -k deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay
serviceaccount/csi-beegfs-controller-sa created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-beegfs-provisioner-role created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/csi-beegfs-provisioner-binding created
configmap/csi-beegfs-config-h5f2662b6c created
secret/csi-beegfs-connauth-9gkbdgchg9 created
statefulset.apps/csi-beegfs-controller created
daemonset.apps/csi-beegfs-node created
csidriver.storage.k8s.io/beegfs.csi.netapp.com created
-> kubectl get pods -n beegfs-csi
csi-beegfs-controller-0 2/2 Running 0 2m27s
csi-beegfs-node-2h6ff 3/3 Running 0 2m27s
csi-beegfs-node-dkcr5 3/3 Running 0 2m27s
csi-beegfs-node-ntcpc 3/3 Running 0 2m27s
Note the csi-beegfs-node-#####
pods are part of a DaemonSet, so the number you
see will correspond to the number of Kubernetes worker nodes in your
Next Steps:
- If you want a quick example on how to get started with the driver see the Example Application Deployment section.
- For a comprehensive introduction see the BeeGFS CSI Driver Usage documentation.
This section provides guidance on deploying the BeeGFS CSI driver in environments where Kubernetes nodes do not have internet access.
Deploying the CSI driver involves pulling multiple Docker images from various Docker registries. You must either ensure all necessary images (see deploy/k8s/overlays/default for a complete list) are available on all nodes, or ensure they can be pulled from some internal registry.
If your air-gapped environment does not have a Docker Hub mirror, one option is
pulling the necessary images from a machine with access to the internet
(example: docker pull docker.io/netapp/beegfs-csi-driver
) then save them as
tar files with docker
save so they can be
copied to the air-gapped Kubernetes nodes and loaded with docker
Once the images are available, modify deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay to point
to them. Adjust the images[].newTag
fields as necessary to ensure they either
match images that exist on the Kubernetes nodes or reference your internal
registry. Then follow the above commands for Kubernetes deployment.
In some Kubernetes clusters, not all nodes are capable of running the BeeGFS CSI driver (or it may not be desirable for all nodes to do so). For example:
- A cluster may be shared by multiple departments and one department may not want the BeeGFS client (and its kernel modules) to be installed on a subset of nodes.
- Some nodes in a cluster may be running an OS that is not supported for the BeeGFS client (e.g. a specialized Linux distribution or Red Hat CoreOS in an OpenShift cluster, which currently has experimental support).
- Some nodes in a cluster may be capable of running the BeeGFS client, but the user installing the driver does not have the permissions required to install it.
It is possible to patch the driver's deployment manifest so that the BeeGFS CSI driver's controller and node services only run on a subset of nodes. Follow these steps:
- Either identify a label shared by nodes you want to install the driver on or
add a label to said nodes. For example:
- Most Kubernetes distributions include the
label on all master nodes. - OpenShift clusters include the
labels to distinguish between Red Hat CoreOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux nodes. - You may want to add a label like
to denote BeeGFS capable nodes.
- Most Kubernetes distributions include the
- Open /deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay/patches/node-affinity.yaml for editing (where "my-overlay") is the overlay you created in Kubernetes Deployment.
- Edit or uncomment and edit the nodeAffinity field associated with the controller service, the node service, or both. See the Kubernetes documentation for more information about nodeAffinity configurations.
- Deploy the driver:
kubectl apply -k deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay
NOTE: When the driver is installed in this way, all workloads (e.g. Pods, StatefulSets, Deployments) that depend on BeeGFS MUST be deployed with the same nodeAffinity assigned to the driver node service. Provide your users with the labels or nodes they must run their workloads on.
An operator can be used to deploy the BeeGFS CSI driver to a cluster and manage its configuration/state within that cluster. The operator is designed for integration with Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) and is primarily intended as an easy way for OpenShift administrators or administrators with clusters running OLM to install the driver directly from Operator Hub and keep it updated. It is also possible, though not recommended, to install the operator and to use the operator to install the driver directly from this repository.
See the BeeGFS CSI Driver Operator documentation for details.
Verify that a BeeGFS file system is accessible from the Kubernetes nodes. Minimally, verify that the BeeGFS servers are up and listening from a workstation that can access them:
-> beegfs-check-servers # -c /path/to/config/file/if/necessary
mgmtd-node [ID: 1]: reachable at mgmtd.some.fdqn.or.ip:8008 (protocol: TCP)
meta-node [ID: 1]: reachable at meta.some.fqdn.or.ip:8005 (protocol: TCP)
storage-node [ID: 1]: reachable at storage.some.fdqn.or.ip:8003 (protocol: TCP)
Modify examples/k8s/dyn/dyn-sc.yaml such that parameters
is set to an appropriate value (e.g.mgmtd.some.fqdn.or.ip
in the output above)volDirBasePath
contains a k8s clustername
that is unique to this k8s cluster among all k8s clusters accessing this BeeGFS file system.
From the project directory, deploy the application files found in the examples/k8s/dyn/ directory, including a Storage Class, a PVC, and a pod which mounts a volume using the BeeGFS CSI driver:
-> kubectl apply -f examples/k8s/dyn
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/csi-beegfs-dyn-sc created
persistentvolumeclaim/csi-beegfs-dyn-pvc created
pod/csi-beegfs-dyn-app created
Validate that the components deployed successfully:
-> kubectl get sc csi-beegfs-dyn-sc
csi-beegfs-dyn-sc beegfs.csi.netapp.com Delete Immediate false 61s
-> kubectl get pvc csi-beegfs-dyn-pvc
csi-beegfs-dyn-pvc Bound pvc-7621fab2 100Gi RWX csi-beegfs-dyn-sc 84s
-> kubectl get pod csi-beegfs-dyn-app
csi-beegfs-dyn-app 1/1 Running 0 93s
Finally, inspect the application pod csi-beegfs-dyn-app
which mounts a BeeGFS
-> kubectl describe pod csi-beegfs-dyn-app
Name: csi-beegfs-dyn-app
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
Node: node3/
Start Time: Tue, 05 Jan 2021 09:29:57 -0600
Labels: <none>
Annotations: cni.projectcalico.org/podIP:
Status: Running
Container ID: docker://21b4404e9791de597ac60043ebf7ddd24d3f684e4228874b81c4e307e017f862
Image: alpine:latest
Image ID: docker-pullable://alpine@sha256:3c7497bf0c7af93428242d6176e8f7905f2201d8fc5861f45be7a346b5f23436
Port: <none>
Host Port: <none>
touch "/mnt/dyn/touched-by-${POD_UUID}" && sleep 7d
State: Running
Started: Tue, 05 Jan 2021 09:30:00 -0600
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
POD_UUID: (v1:metadata.uid)
/mnt/dyn from csi-beegfs-dyn-volume (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-bsr5d (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
ContainersReady True
PodScheduled True
Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
ClaimName: csi-beegfs-dyn-pvc
ReadOnly: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-bsr5d
Optional: false
QoS Class: BestEffort
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 20s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/csi-beegfs-dyn-app to node3
Normal Pulling 18s kubelet Pulling image "alpine:latest"
Normal Pulled 17s kubelet Successfully pulled image "alpine:latest" in 711.793082ms
Normal Created 17s kubelet Created container csi-beegfs-dyn-app
Normal Started 17s kubelet Started container csi-beegfs-dyn-app
is configured to create a file inside its own /mnt/dyn
directory called touched-by-<pod_uuid>. Confirm that this file exists within
the pod:
-> kubectl exec csi-beegfs-dyn-app -- ls /mnt/dyn
Kubernetes stages the BeeGFS file system in the /var/lib/kubelet/plugins directory and publishes the specific directory associated with the persistent volume to the pod in the /var/lib/kubelet/pods directory. Verify that the touched file exists in these locations if you have appropriate access to the worker node:
-> ssh root@
-> ls /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/csi/pv/pvc-7621fab2/globalmount/mount/k8s/my-cluster-name/pvc-7621fab2/
-> ls /var/lib/kubelet/pods/9154aace-65a3-495d-8266-38eb0b564ddd/volumes/kubernetes.io~csi/pvc-7621fab2/mount/
Finally, verify that the file exists on the BeeGFS file system from a workstation that can access it.
ls /mnt/beegfs/k8s/my-cluster-name/pvc-7621fab2/
Next Steps:
- For a comprehensive introduction see the BeeGFS CSI Driver Usage documentation.
- For additional examples see examples/k8s/README.md.
Currently the only tested and supported container orchestrator (CO) for the BeeGFS CSI driver is Kubernetes. Notes in the General Configuration section below would apply to other COs if supported. For Kubernetes the preferred method to apply desired BeeGFS Client configuration is using a Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret, as described in Kubernetes Configuration.
The driver is ready to be used right out of the box, but many environments may either require or benefit from additional configuration.
The driver loads a configuration file on startup which it uses as a template to
create the necessary configuration files to properly mount a BeeGFS file system.
A beegfs-client.conf file does NOT ship with the driver, so it applies the
values defined in its configuration file on top of the default
beegfs-client.conf that ships with each BeeGFS distribution. Each config
section may optionally contain parameters that override previous sections.
Depending on the topology of your cluster, some nodes MAY need different configuration than others. This requirement can be handled in one of two ways:
- The administrator creates unique configuration files and deploys each to the proper node.
- The administrator creates one global configuration file with a
section and specifies the--node-id
CLI flag on each node when starting the driver.- Note: Deploying to Kubernetes using the provided manifests in deploy/k8s/ handles setting this flag and deploying a ConfigMap representing this global configuration file.
Kubernetes deployment greatly simplifies the distribution of a global configuration file using the second approach and is the de-facto standard way to deploy the driver. See Kubernetes Configuration for details.
In the example below, the beegfsClientConf
section contains parameters taken
directly out of a beegfs-client.conf configuration file. In particular, the
beegfs-client.conf file contains a number of references to other files (e.g.
). The CSI configuration file instead expects a YAML list,
which it uses to generate the expected file. See BeeGFS Client
Parameters for more detail about
supported beegfsClientConf
NOTE: beegfs-client.conf values MUST be specified as strings, even if they appear to be integers or booleans (e.g. "8000", not 8000 and "true", not true).
The order of precedence for configuration option overrides is described by "PRECEDENCE" comments in the example below. In general, precedence is as follows:
config < fileSystemSpecificConfig < nodeSpecificConfig.config < nodeSpecificConfig.fileSystemSpecificConfig
When conflicts occur between configurations of equal precedence, configuration set lower in the file takes precedence over configuration set higher in the file.
NOTE: All configuration, and in particular fileSystemSpecificConfigs
configuration is OPTIONAL! In many situations, only the
outermost config
is required.
# when more specific configuration is not provided; PRECEDENCE 3 (lowest)
config: # OPTIONAL
- <interface_name> # e.g. ib0
- <interface_name>
- <ip_subnet> # e.g.
- <ip_subnet>
- <ip_subnet> # e.g.
- <ip_subnet>
- <interface_name> # e.g. ib0
- <interface_name>
<beegfs-client.conf_key>: <beegfs-client.conf_value>
# All beegfs-client.conf values must be strings. Quotes are required on
# integers and booleans.
# e.g. connMgmtdPortTCP: "9008"
fileSystemSpecificConfigs: # OPTIONAL
# for a specific filesystem; PRECEDENCE 2
- sysMgmtdHost: <sysMgmtdHost> # e.g.
config: # as above
# for a specific filesystem; PRECEDENCE 2
- sysMgmtdHost: <sysMgmtdHost> # e.g.
config: # as above
nodeSpecificConfigs: # OPTIONAL
- nodeList:
- <node_name> # e.g. node1
- <node_name>
# default for a specific set of nodes; PRECEDENCE 1
config: # as above:
# for a specific node AND filesystem; PRECEDENCE 0 (highest)
fileSystemSpecificConfigs: # as above
- nodeList:
- <node_name> # e.g. node1
- <node_name>
# default for a specific set of nodes; PRECEDENCE 1
config: # as above:
# for a specific node AND filesystem; PRECEDENCE 0 (highest)
fileSystemSpecificConfigs: # as above
NOTE: When running the driver directly, the configuration file is specified by
the --config-path
command line argument. For Kubernetes, the deployment
manifests handle this automatically.
As of BeeGFS v7.3.1+
and v7.2.7+
, connection based authentication is enabled by default unless
explicitly disabled. See the BeeGFS
docs for more details. When using
raw string secrets, the driver will function as previously expected. Care should be taken when
creating raw string secrets as different text editors behave differently. Specifically, some editors
add newlines to the end of files. This may produce mis-match connAuthFile secrets between the client
and BeeGFS services causing the driver to fail.
With version v1.5.0
the CSI driver added support for base64 encoded connAuthFile secrets. See
Base64 Encoded Secrets for more details. To ensure your secret is
correct, it is recommended to use base64 encoded secrets.
NOTE: Utilizing raw string secrets does not require an encoding
field, but can
be explicitly set using encoding: raw
For security purposes, the contents of BeeGFS connAuthFiles are stored in a separate file. This file is optional, and should only be used if the connAuthFile configuration option is used on a file system's other services.
- sysMgmtdHost: <sysMgmtdHost> # e.g.
connAuth: <some_secret_value>
encoding: <encoding_type> # raw or base64
- sysMgmtdHost: <sysMgmtdHost> # e.g.
connAuth: <some_secret_value>
encoding: <encoding_type> # raw or base64
- Unlike general configuration, connAuth configuration is only applied at a per file system level. There is no default connAuth and the concept of a node specific connAuth doesn't make sense.
- When running the driver directly, the connAuth configuration file is
specified by the
command line argument. For Kubernetes, the deployment manifests handle this automatically. - It is also possible to create a connAuthFile and set the connAuthFile parameter in the default beegfs-client.conf file on every node. This option makes the most sense if also configuring beegfs-helperd to use connection authentication, as this requires per-node configuration of beegfs-helperd.conf.
It is recommended to use binary connAuthFile secrets utilizing base64 encoding as this aligns with BeeGFS's recommended format. The following are steps to implement base64 encoded secrets.
Follow the BeeGFS Authentication steps to create a connAuthFile that contains a binary secret.
Once created, navigate to the location of your connAuthFile and encode the file utilizing base64 encoding.
-> cd /etc/beegfs/
-> base64 connAuthFile
- Copy and paste the output into
. Include theencoding: base64
key-value pair insidecsi-beegfs-connauth.yaml
to ensure decoding of your secret. Thecsi-beegfs-connauth.yaml
should look similar to the following.
# Copyright 2021 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# Use this file as instructed in the ConnAuth Configuration section of /docs/deployment.md. See
# /deploy/k8s/examples/csi-beegfs-connauth.yaml for an example of what to put in this file. Kustomize will
# automatically transform this file into a correct Secret readable by the deployed driver. If this file is left
# unmodified, the driver will deploy correctly with no custom configuration.
- sysMgmtdHost:
connAuth: |+
encoding: base64
Only if you are using BeeGFS v7.3.1+ or v7.2.7+ and do not want to use connection authentication, you must explicitly disable it by setting the following.
connDisableAuthentication: "true"
NOTE: This parameter does not exist in previous BeeGFS versions and BeeGFS will fail to mount if it is provided for a file system that does not support it.
The BeeGFS Helperd service is used by the BeeGFS client kernel module for DNS resolution and logging. BeeGFS can run without it, but this is not a typical configuration.
Previously, it was common to run beegfs-helperd without a connAuthFile on all nodes that were to host the BeeGFS CSI driver. This allowed the driver to mount different file systems (with different connAuthFiles) simultaneously. Connections between the client and the (usually local) beegfs-helperd service were not authenticated, but connections between the client and and other file system services were authenticated per the driver's connAuth configuration.
As of BeeGFS v7.3.1+ and v7.2.7+, BeeGFS requires a connAuthFile to be used by all services (including beegfs-helperd) or for authentication to be explicitly disabled in each service. The BeeGFS CSI driver is not able to modify the configuration of the beegfs-helperd service, so care must be taken to configure it appropriately as a prerequisite.
Recommended options:
- Set
connDisableAuthentication = true
before starting and enabling beegfs-helperd on each node. This disables authentication between the BeeGFS client and beegfs-helpderd, but does not disable authentication between the client and other file system services. It allows the client to interact with beegfs-helperd regardless of whether or not the file system it is mounting uses a connAuthFile. - On each node, pre-populate a connAuthFile (e.g.
) with a shared secret that will be used by all BeeGFS file systems the driver will mount. SetconnAuthFile
in both/etc/beegfs/beegfs-helperd.conf
. Start and enable beegfs-helperd. Do not use the connAuth configuration mechanisms built into the driver. It is not possible to use different connAuth secrets for different file systems with this approach.
Non-recommended options:
- Run without beegfs-helperd by setting
logType: syslog
andsysMountSanityCheckMS: 0
either in the driver configuration or in/etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf
on all nodes (see more detailed instructions on the BeeGFS docs site). This approach routes logs through syslog (so that they appear in the same location as other service logs instead of more "standard" BeeGFS locations) and prevents the use of DNS names with BeeGFS services. It also disables the BeeGFS mount sanity check, allowing mounts to "succeed" even when critical BeeGFS services cannot be reached.
When deployed into Kubernetes, a single Kubernetes ConfigMap contains the configuration for all Kubernetes nodes. When the driver starts up on a node, it uses the node's name to filter the global ConfigMap down to a node-specific version.
The instructions in the Kubernetes Deployment automatically create an empty ConfigMap and an empty Secret and pass them to the driver on all nodes.
- To pass custom configuration to the driver, add the desired parameters from General Configuration to deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay/csi-beegfs-config.yaml before deploying. The resulting deployment will automatically include a correctly formed ConfigMap. See deploy/k8s/overlays/examples/csi-beegfs-config.yaml for an example file.
- To pass connAuth configuration to the driver, modify deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay/csi-beegfs-connauth.yaml before deploying. The resulting deployment will automatically include a correctly formed Secret. See deploy/k8s/overlays/examples/beegfs-config-connauth.yaml for an example file.
To update configuration after initial deployment, modify deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay/csi-beegfs-config.yaml or deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay/csi-beegfs-connauth.yaml and repeat the kubectl deployment step from Kubernetes Deployment. Kustomize will automatically update all components and restart the driver on all nodes so that it picks up the latest changes.
NOTE: To validate the BeeGFS Client configuration file used for a specific PVC, see the Troubleshooting Guide
The following beegfs-client.conf parameters appear in the BeeGFS v7.3.1 beegfs-client.conf file. Other parameters may exist for newer or older BeeGFS versions. The list a parameter falls under determines its level of support in the driver.
Special attention should be paid to these parameters.
- Added in BeeGFS v7.3.1 and BeeGFS v7.2.7. If the file system the BeeGFS client will connect to does not use connAuth files, this must be set to"true"
Note: To avoid YAML interpeting the value as a native boolean, it must be enclosed in double quotes or you will get an error like:
failed to handle configuration file: likely missing quotes around an integer or boolean beegfsClientConf value: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field BeegfsConfig.config.beegfsClientConf of type string`
These parameters are specified elsewhere (a Kubernetes StorageClass, etc.) or
are determined dynamically and have no effect when specified in the
configuration section.
(This is specified in afileSystemSpecificConfigs[i]
or by the volume definition itself.)connClientPortUDP
(An ephemeral port, obtained by binding to port 0, allows multiple filesystem mounts. On Linux the selected ephemeral port is constrained by the values of IP variables. Ensure that firewalls allow UDP traffic between BeeGFS file system nodes and ephemeral ports on BeeGFS CSI Driver nodes.)connPortShift
These parameters are specified elsewhere and may exhibit undocumented behavior if specified here.
- Overridden in the connAuth configuration file.connInterfacesFile
- Overridden by lists in the driver configuration file.connRDMAInterfacesFile
- Overriden by lists in the driver configuration file.connNetFilterFile
- Overridden by lists in the driver configuration file.connTcpOnlyFilterFile
- Overridden by lists in the driver configuration file.
These parameters have been tested and verified to have the desired effect.
- Documented in Quotas.
These parameters SHOULD result in the desired effect but have not been tested.
The following parameters are new for the BeeGFS 7.3 client. These parameters will not work with older client versions.
The driver must be allowed to mount and unmount file systems.
- When the driver binary is run directly, it must be run as a user with permission to make the mount and unmount system calls and with permission to create and delete directories on the staging target path and target path.
- When the driver is run in its container, the container must be granted the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability or the container must be privileged. The provided Kubernetes deployment manifests run the driver container as privileged to avoid SELinux and other concerns.
The driver must be allowed to reserve arbitrary UDP ports in the primary network namespace.
For each volume to be mounted on a node, the driver identifies an available UDP port. Mounting the volume causes the BeeGFS client to listen for UDP traffic on this port. While the driver may be running in a container, the BeeGFS client is not. The provided Kubernetes deployment manifests run the driver container in the host network instead of an isolated container network to allow the driver to correctly identify available ports.
The network must allow BeeGFS traffic.
By default, outbound traffic from all BeeGFS clients to ports 8003, 8005, and 8008 on nodes serving up BeeGFS file systems must be allowed. A BeeGFS file system can be configured to use different ports and the driver can be configured to accomodate.
Inbound UDP traffic from nodes serving up BeeGFS file systems to arbitrary ports on all BeeGFS clients must be allowed. Each volume requires its own port and it is not currently possible to configure an allowed port range.
Appropriate roles should be enforced.
It is important to consider the roles different users can assume when interacting with the BeeGFs CSI driver. The driver (like all CSI drivers) does not, itself, authenticate or authorize users. However, different Kubernetes users naturally have a greater or lesser ability to interact with it. The driver's security model generally assumes two types of users:
- Administrators:
- Have the ability to interact with the driver's namespace
by default). - Can modify the driver's deployment manifests and configuration files
). - Can create/modify Storage Classes and Persistent Volumes.
- Can optionally create/modify Persistent Volume Claims referencing a Storage Class or Persistent Volume.
- Have the ability to interact with the driver's namespace
- Users:
- Cannot interact with the driver's namespace.
- Can create and modify objects in a limited number of other namespaces.
- Can create/modify Persistent Volume Claims referencing a Storage Class or Persistent Volume.
A Kubernetes user's ability to assume one of these two roles is entirely dependent on the configuration of the underlying Kubernetes cluster. A user with an inappropriate level of permissions can cause any number of problems in a cluster. The following issues are specific to the BeeGFS CSI driver.
With the ability to create or modify objects in the driver namespace (e.g. the driver's Stateful Set / Daemon Set, csi-beegfs-config.yaml, etc.), a user can:
- Misconfigure the driver (potentially resulting in poor performance and/or limited denial of service).
With the ability to create or modify Storage Classes or Persistent Volumes, a user can:
- Cause a BeeGFS file system to mount or a BeeGFS directory to bind mount with arbitrary mount options (potentially resulting in poor performance and/or limited denial of service).
- Provide access to arbitrary files and directories within a BeeGFS file system (although permissions based protections still apply).
SELinux is a security enhancement to Linux which allows users and administrators fine-grained access control. With SELinux enabled, every process and file is assigned a security context. Typically, default SELinux policies provided by a Linux distribution's maintainers determine how each process context can interact with each file context (though these policies may be modified as needed). Files are typically automatically "labeled" with a context at creation, and each file's label is stored in its extended attributes.
Though BeeGFS does support extended attributes, it does not officially support SELinux labeling and it is not currently possible to assign labels to BeeGFS files and directories. By default, all BeeGFS files and directories on an SELinux system are treated as if they have the system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 security context. Privileged containers (which typically run with the system_u:system_r:spc_t:s0 context) can access them, but standard containers (which typically run with the system_u:system_r:container_t:s0 context) cannot.
By default, when SELinux is enabled, the BeeGFS CSI driver mounts all file systems using the -o context=system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0
option. This causes SELinux to treat all BeeGFS files and directories as
if they have this same, single context and allows typical containers to read, write and execute BeeGFS files (within the
bounds of file access permissions). While this is not full SELinux support, it allows administrators to leave SELinux
enabled and helps to prevent the exploitation of container runtime vulnerabilities.
The controller service responds to CreateVolume and DeleteVolume requests made by the external-provisioner sidecar container deployed alongside it. (The sidecar handles all communication with the Kubernetes API server.) The external-provisioner application accepts a --worker-threads argument, which can be used to effectively limit the in-flight number of these types of requests. Each CreateVolume request MAY cause the controller service to mount the associated BeeGFS filesystem, and each DeleteVolume request DOES cause the controller service to mount the associated BeeGFS filesystem, so there is a reasonable concern that too many such simultaneous operations could be problematic.
Limited stress testing has found that no issues occur with 200 simultaneous Persistent Volume Claim creations or with
200 simultaneous Persistent Volume Claim deletions, so the --worker-threads argument does not appear in the default
manifests. Add it as an argument to the csi-provisioner
Container in the csi-beegfs-controller
Stateful Set
definition if an issue is observed. See the Kubernetes deployment README.md for instructions.
Starting in v1.4.0 of the BeeGFS CSI driver the driver containers are now configured with default requests and limits for both cpu and memory resources. The default values should work for most scenarios but the values can be adjusted as necessary for a particular deployment.
The recommended way to change the value of a cpu or memory request or limit is
to use a patch to modify the settings during the deployment with kustomize. The
default overlay directories have a container-resources.yaml
file included in
the overlay's patch directory which contains the default resource values. Simply
modify the file in your copied version of the overlay directory and uncomment
(or add) the reference to the patches/container-resource.yaml
file in the
patchesStrategicMerge section of your overlay's kustomization.yaml file. Once
the patch file is referenced in the overlay kustomization file then apply the
overlay to deploy the driver or to update the existing deployment's
If you're experiencing any issues, find functionality lacking, or our documentation is unclear, we'd appreciate if you let us know: https://github.com/ThinkParQ/beegfs-csi-driver/issues.
The driver can be removed using kubectl delete -k
(kustomize) and the original
deployment manifests. On a machine with kubectl and access to the Kubernetes
cluster you want to remove the BeeGFS CSI driver from:
- Remove any Storage Classes, Persistent Volumes, and Persistent Volume Claims associated with the driver.
- Set the working directory to the beegfs-csi-driver repository containing the manifests used to deploy the driver.
- Run the following command to remove the driver:
kubectl delete -k deploy/k8s/overlays/my-overlay