This is yet another template for web-sites (a.k.a. playing with some technologies). What are the key points:
- The same web-server works on Mac / Windows / Ubuntu.
- No O/R-mapping, no n-tiers, no huge amount of manual object-to-object-mapping
- No direct SQL-clauses, no SQL-injection problems.
- No APIs inside one software. Not SOAP nor REST.
- Real-time communication between server and clients.
- General: Git, Markdown
- SQL-Server: SQLProvider supports any: MS-SQL/Postgres/Oracle/MySql/MariaDB/SQLite/MS-Access. Instructions for MariaDB are included; MySql should work as well. Also, some for SQLite database and MS-SQL scripts if you want to use those.
- Backend: F# (FSharp), Paket, TypeProviders, OWIN, SignalR (WebSockets/Long-Polling), Logary
- Frontend: Gulp, React.js, Less/Sass, Bootstrap or Foundation.css, FontAwesome, Lodash, jQuery / jQuery-UI, TypeScript / ES6. The demo site is Foundation, but infra supports Bootstrap notation as well.
- Maybe in the future: Crossroads.js, Rx/Rx.Js, FsUnit.xUnit, Canopy
There are two screens: 1) You can search for companies. 2) CRUD-operations for companies.
If you want to run on .NET Core, try the netstandard branch.