Java Library for the Lenex 3.0 file format.
The format is commonly used in swimmeets and developed by The library is able to read an uncompressed .lef file or a compressed .lxf file and transform it into POJOs.
This library was originally deveopped for the SwimCoachOrganizer project and has just been extracted to a separate library. The API will likely change in the future as I am trying to make the library easier to use.
This library requires at leas java 8 or newer.
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(...); // Open stream to lenex file
Lenex lenex = LenexParser.parse(is, LenexType.LENEX_COMPRESSED);
// Parse the stream to the lenex object
// Use LenexType.LENEX_PLAIN if you are reading a .lef file
lenex.getMeets().stream() // stream all meets
.flatMap(m -> m.getClubs().stream()) // map the stream to a list of clubs
.flatMap(c -> c.getAthletes().stream()) // map the clubs to a list of athletes
.map(Object::toString) // convert athletes to string
.forEach(System.out::println); // print each string
We don't have a maven repo yet as this library is not yet production ready at all. If you want to play with it anyway feel free to clone this project.