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Error in when running ModifiedAminoAcid #4

jacekkozuch opened this issue Nov 12, 2021 · 2 comments

Error in when running ModifiedAminoAcid #4

jacekkozuch opened this issue Nov 12, 2021 · 2 comments


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I have an issue when running the example ModifiedAminoAcid. After the "ModifiedSideChain.pdb" is created the the error "mindistance=min(minatomindextodistance.values()) ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence" appears (full output below). Just running a molecule with poltype2 works. Below I also mosted my environment if that's useful to see.

Thanks in advance!


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 2503, in RunPoltype
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1441, in main
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1615, in GenerateModifiedProteinPoltypeInput
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1237, in GenerateModifiedProteinPDB
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1292, in ConnectSideChainToBackbone
ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 2503, in RunPoltype
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1441, in main
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1615, in GenerateModifiedProteinPoltypeInput
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1237, in GenerateModifiedProteinPDB
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 1292, in ConnectSideChainToBackbone
ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 2521, in
File "/home/jkozuch/master/PoltypeModules/", line 2520, in RunPoltype
raise ValueError('Houston, we have a problem. Buy a developer some coffee!')
ValueError: Houston, we have a problem. Buy a developer some coffee!

Conda environment (Anaconda3-2021.05):

Name Version Build Channel
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misterbrandonwalker commented Nov 12, 2021 via email

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Ok, thx. I'll try to follow the work flow to do this manually.

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