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A simple python package to play chess with ChatGPT


pip install chatchess


Import the package:

from ChatChess import ChatChess

First a Game object needs to be decalerd as follows:

bot = ChatChess.Game("OPENAI_API_KEY")

Additional parameters

  • self.model = "gpt-3.5-turbo": ChatGPT model to be used. 3.5-turbo recommended, see models and pricing here:
  • bot.maxTokens = 10: Set max_tokens passed to ChatGPT on each move
  • bot.maxFails = 5: Amount of times to retry sending prompt to ChatGPT when invalid move is returned
  • bot.maxTime = 5: Maximum amount of seconds to wait for ChatGPT answer before timing out
  • bot.prompt = {"normal" : "", "failed" : "", "start" : ""}: The prompts to send to ChatGPT at each game state
  • bot.board = chess.Board(): Chess board object
  • bot.printDebug = False: Print debug info - occaisonaly useful


  • move = bot.move["ChatGPT"]["uci"]: Returns the last move of given player (ChatGPT / input) in the given format (uci / san)
  • message = bot.message: Returns the move into after each GPT move


Main functions

  • move ="e4"): Plays the player's move, then ChatGPT's response - returns ChatGPT's move
  • move = getGPTMove(): Plays ChatGPT's move in the current position - returns ChatGPT's move

Other functions

  • bot.pushPlayerMove("e4"): Push a move without ChatGPT responding
  • prompt = bot.createPrompt(): Creates prompt to send to ChatGPT based on current position and previous fails - returns prompt
  • response = bot.askGPT(prompt): Queries ChatGPT prompt based on set parameters, times out after bot.maxTime seconds
  • move = bot.handleResponse(response, player): Searches for chess move in string - adds it to self.move as player


  • MoveLimitError: Move fail limit reached
  • BadInputMoveError: Move inputted can't be played


Simple player vs ChatGPT game

from ChatChess import ChatChess

bot = ChatChess.Game("OPENAI_API_KEY")  # Set API key

while True:
    print(bot.board)  # Print the board"Make a move: "))  # Ask player to make a move, then ChatGPT responds
    if bot.board.is_game_over():  # Break if game over

Simple ChatGPT vs ChatGPT game

from ChatChess import ChatChess
import chess.pgn
from datetime import date

bot = ChatChess.Game("OPENAI_API_KEY")  # Set API key

while True:
    bot.getGPTMove()  # Ask ChatGPT to make a move
    print(bot.message)  # Print move and info
    if bot.board.is_game_over():  # Break if game over
        game = chess.pgn.Game.from_board(bot.board)  # Create PGN from game
        game.headers["Event"] = "ChatChess test"
        game.headers["Date"] ="%d.%m.%Y")
        game.headers["White"] = "ChatGPT"
        game.headers["Black"] = "ChatGPT"


Function for returning ChatGPT moves as FEN from a set position (eg. for a Lichess bot)

from ChatChess import ChatChess
import chess

bot = ChatChess.Game("OPENAI_API_KEY")  # Set API key

def getGPTMove():
    bot.board = chess.Board()  # Pass board to ChatChess
    bot.getGPTMove()  # Ask ChatGPT to make a move
    return bot.move["ChatGPT"]["FEN"].fen()  # Return FEN move

When setting the board for bot.board, make sure that the board is not simply from a set position, but has the moves in pgn format to increase chatgpt move success rate

