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React Native Elements

Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit

React Native UI Toolkit

Get Started

If you are using Exponent, you can run npm i react-native-elements --save and skip to step 3.

Step 1

Install react-native-vector-icons (if you do not already have it)

npm i react-native-vector-icons --save && react-native link react-native-vector-icons

If you have any issues with icons not working or installation of React Native Vector Icons, check out their installation guide here

Step 2

Install React Native Elements

npm i react-native-elements --save


yarn add react-native-elements

Step 3

Start using components

import {
} from 'react-native-elements'

  icon={{name: 'cached'}}
  title='RAISED WITH ICON' />




Check out the pre built and configured React Native Hackathon Starter Project which uses all of these elements.



React Native Elements uses the System font as the default font family for iOS and Roboto as the default font family for Android.

In the example screenshots, we are using Lato which can be downloaded here.

We are working on a way to make a custom font family configurable through the command line.

Here is a list of fonts available out of the box for each platform, or you can install and use a custom font of your own.

To override the fontFamily in any element, simply provide a fontFamily prop:

  icon={{name: 'cached'}}
  fontFamily='Comic Sans MS' />



Buttons take a title and an optional material icon name, as well as the props below.

You can override Material icons with one of the following: material-community, simple-line-icon, zocial, font-awesome, octicon, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, or entypo by providing an icon.type as a prop.


import { Button } from 'react-native-elements'

  title='BUTTON' />

  icon={{name: 'cached'}}
  title='BUTTON WITH ICON' />

  icon={{name: 'code'}}

  icon={{name: 'envira', type: 'font-awesome'}}

  icon={{name: 'squirrel', type: 'octicon', buttonStyle: styles.someButtonStyle }}
  title='OCTICON' />

Button props

Also recevies all TouchableWithoutFeedback props

prop default type description
Component TouchableHighlight (iOS), TouchableNativeFeedback (android) React Native Component Specify other component such as TouchableOpacity or other (optional)
buttonStyle none object (style) add additional styling for button component (optional)
title none string button title (required)
large false boolean makes button large
fontFamily System font (iOS), Roboto (android) string specify different font family
fontWeight none string specify font weight for title (optional)
iconRight false boolean moves icon to right of title
onPress none function onPress method (required)
onLongPress none function onLongPress method (optional)
icon {color: 'white'} object {name: string, color: string, size: number, type: string (default is material, or choose one of material-community, simple-line-icon, zocial, font-awesome, octicon, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, or entypo), style: object(style)} icon configuration (optional)
backgroundColor #397af8 string (color) background color of button (optional)
borderRadius none number adds border radius to card (optional)
color white string(color) font color (optional)
textStyle none object (style) text styling (optional)
fontSize 18 number font size (optional)
underlayColor transparent string(color) underlay color for button press (optional)
raised false boolean flag to add raised button styling (optional)
disabled false boolean prop to indicate button is disabled (optional)
disabledStyle none object (style) disabled button styling (optional)

Social Icons & Buttons

Social Icons

import { SocialIcon } from 'react-native-elements'

// Icon




// Button
  title='Sign In With Facebook'

  title='Some Twitter Message'



SocialIcon props

prop default type description
title none string title if made into a button (optional)
type none social media type (facebook, twitter, google-plus-official, pinterest, linkedin, youtube, vimeo, tumblr, instagram, quora, foursquare, wordpress, stumbleupon, github, github-alt, twitch, medium, soundcloud, gitlab, angellist, codepen) social media type (required)
raised true boolean raised adds a drop shadow, set to false to remove
button false boolean creates button (optional)
onPress none function onPress method (optional)
onLongPress none function onLongPress method (optional)
light false boolean reverses icon color scheme, setting background to white and icon to primary color
iconStyle none object (style) extra styling for icon component (optional)
style none object (style) button styling (optional)
iconColor white string icon color (optional)
iconSize 24 number icon size (optional)
component TouchableHighlight React Native Component type of button (optional)
fontFamily System font bold (iOS), Roboto-Black (android) string specify different font family (optional)
fontWeight bold (ios), black(android) string specify font weight of title if set as a button with a title
fontStyle none object (style) specify text styling (optional)
disabled false boolean disable button (optional)
loading false boolean shows loading indicator (optional)

Icons & Icon Buttons


Icons take the name of a material icon as a prop.

You can override Material icons with one of the following: material-community, font-awesome, octicon, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, simple-line-icon, zocial, or entypo by providing a type prop.

Hint: use reverse to make your icon look like a button

import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements'

  name='rowing' />

  color='#00aced' />



  onPress={() => console.log('hello')} />

Icon props

prop default type description
name none string name of icon (required)
type material string type (defaults to material, options are material-community, zocial, font-awesome, octicon, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, simple-line-icon, or entypo)
size 26 number size of icon (optional)
color black string color of icon (optional)
iconStyle inherited style object (style) additional styling to icon (optional)
component View if no onPress method is defined, TouchableHighlight if onPress method is defined React Native component update React Native Component (optional)
onPress none function onPress method for button (optional)
onLongPress none function onLongPress method for button (optional)
underlayColor icon color string underlayColor for press event
reverse false boolean reverses color scheme (optional)
raised false boolean adds box shadow to button (optional)
containerStyle inherited styling object (style) add styling to container holding icon (optional)
reverseColor white string specify reverse icon color (optional)



Using Map Function. Implemented with avatar.

import { List, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements'

const list = [
    name: 'Amy Farha',
    avatar_url: '',
    subtitle: 'Vice President'
    name: 'Chris Jackson',
    avatar_url: '',
    subtitle: 'Vice Chairman'
  ... // more items

<List containerStyle={{marginBottom: 20}}>
  {, i) => (

Using Map Function. Implemented with link and icon.

import { List, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements'

const list = [
    title: 'Appointments',
    icon: 'av-timer'
    title: 'Trips',
    icon: 'flight-takeoff'
  ... // more items

  {, i) => (
        leftIcon={{name: item.icon}}

Using RN ListView. Implemented with link and avatar.

import { List, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements'

const list = [
    name: 'Amy Farha',
    avatar_url: '',
    subtitle: 'Vice President'
    name: 'Chris Jackson',
    avatar_url: '',
    subtitle: 'Vice Chairman'
  ... // more items

renderRow (rowData, sectionID) {
  return (

render () {
  return (

ListItem implemented with custom View for Subtitle

import { List, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements'

render () {
  return (
        title='Limited supply! Its like digital gold!'
          <View style={styles.subtitleView}>
            <Image source={require('../images/rating.png')} style={styles.ratingImage}/>
            <Text style={styles.ratingText}>5 months ago</Text>

styles = StyleSheet.create({
  subtitleView: {
    flexDirection: 'row',
    paddingLeft: 10,
    paddingTop: 5
  ratingImage: {
    height: 19.21,
    width: 100
  ratingText: {
    paddingLeft: 10,
    color: 'grey'

List Props

prop default type description
containerStyle marginTop: 20, borderTopWidth: 1, borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: #cbd2d9 object (style) style the list container

ListItem props

prop default type description
avatar none object left avatar (optional). Refer to React Native Image Source
avatarStyle none object (style) avatar styling (optional)
chevronColor #bdc6cf string set chevron color
component View or TouchableHighlight if onPress method is added as prop React Native element replace element with custom element (optional)
containerStyle none object (style) additional main container styling (optional)
hideChevron false boolean set if you do not want a chevron (optional)
leftIcon none object {name, color, style, type} (type defaults to material icons) icon configuration for left icon (optional)
rightIcon {name: 'chevron-right'} object {name, color, style, type} (type defaults to material icons) icon configuration for right icon (optional). Shows up unless hideChevron or rightTitle is set
onPress none function onPress method for link (optional)
onLongPress none function onLongPress method for link (optional)
roundAvatar false boolean make left avatar round
subtitle none string or object subtitle text or custom view (optional)
subtitleContainerStyle none style (object) provide styling for subtitle container
subtitleStyle none object (style) additional subtitle styling (optional )
title none string or object main title for list item, can be text or custom view (required)
titleStyle none object (style) additional title styling (optional)
titleContainerStyle none style (object) provide styling for title container
wrapperStyle none object (style) additional wrapper styling (optional)
underlayColor white string define underlay color for TouchableHighlight (optional)
fontFamily HelevticaNeue (iOS), Roboto (android) string specify different font family
rightTitle none string provide a rightTitle to have a title show up on the right side of the button, will override any icon on the right
rightTitleContainerStyle flex: 1, alignItems: 'flex-end', justifyContent: 'center' object (style) style the outer container of the rightTitle text
rightTitleStyle marginRight: 5, color: '#bdc6cf' object (style) style the text of the rightTitle text
label none react native component add a label with your own styling by providing a label={} prop to ListItem



You can now easily add a badge to your List Item

prop default type description
badge none object, accepts the following properties: value (string), badgeContainerStyle (object), badgeTextStyle (object). You can override the default badge by providing your own component with it's own styling by providing badge={{ element: }} add a badge to the ListItem by using this prop

Example badge usage

  badge={{ value: 3, badgeTextStyle: { color: 'orange' }, badgeContainerStyle: { marginTop: -20 } }}

  badge={{ element: <MyCustomElement> }}


Side Menu

This component implements react-native-side-menu which is part of the react-native-community.

import { SideMenu, List, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements'

constructor () {
  this.state = {
    isOpen: false
  this.toggleSideMenu = this.toggleSideMenu.bind(this)

toggleSideMenu () {
    isOpen: !this.state.isOpen

render () {
  const MenuComponent = (
    <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#ededed', paddingTop: 50}}>
      <List containerStyle={{marginBottom: 20}}>
      {, i) => (
            onPress={() => console.log('Pressed')}

  return (
      <App toggleSideMenu={this.toggleSideMenu.bind(this)} />

SideMenu props

prop default type description
menu inherited React.Component Menu component
isOpen false Boolean Props driven control over menu open state
openMenuOffset 2/3 of device screen width Number Content view left margin if menu is opened
hiddenMenuOffset none Number Content view left margin if menu is hidden
edgeHitWidth none Number Edge distance on content view to open side menu, defaults to 60
toleranceX none Number X axis tolerance
toleranceY none Number Y axis tolerance
disableGestures false Bool Disable whether the menu can be opened with gestures or not
none Function Function that accepts event as an argument and specify if side-menu should react on the touch or not. Check for more details
onChange none Function Callback on menu open/close. Is passed isOpen as an argument
onMove none Function Callback on menu move. Is passed left as an argument
menuPosition left String either 'left' or 'right'
animationFunction none (Function -> Object) Function that accept 2 arguments (prop, value) and return an object:
- prop you should use at the place you specify parameter to animate
- value you should use to specify the final value of prop
animationStyle none (Function -> Object) Function that accept 1 argument (value) and return an object:
- value you should use at the place you need current value of animated parameter (left offset of content view)
bounceBackOnOverdraw true boolean when true, content view will bounce back to openMenuOffset when dragged further

For issues or feature requests related to SideMenu component please click here

Search Bar

Search Bar

import { SearchBar } from 'react-native-elements'

  placeholder='Type Here...' />

  placeholder='Type Here...' />

  placeholder='Type Here...' />

  placeholder='Type Here...' />

SearchBar props

prop default type description
containerStyle inherited styling object (style) style the container of the TextInput
inputStyle inherited styling object (style) style the TextInput
icon { color: '#86939e', name: 'search' } object {name (string), color (string), style (object)} specify color, styling, or another Material Icon Name
noIcon false boolean remove icon from textinput
lightTheme false boolean change theme to light theme
round false boolean change TextInput styling to rounded corners
containerRef none ref ref for TextInput conainer
textInputRef none ref ref for TextInput
focus none function call focus on the textinput(optional), eg this.refs.someInputRef.focus()
underlineColorAndroid transparent string (color) specify other than the default transparent underline color
loadingIcon { color: '#86939e' } object {color (string), style (object)} specify color, styling of the loading ActivityIndicator effect
showLoadingIcon false boolean show the loading ActivityIndicator effect
placeholder '' string set the placeholder text
placeholderTextColor '#86939e' string set the color of the placeholder text
onChangeText none function method to fire when text is changed

Tab Bar Component

Tab Bar Component

This component implements the react-native-tab-navigator from Exponent. Check out Exponent if you haven't already!

import { Tabs, Tab, Icon } from 'react-native-elements'

constructor() {
  this.state = {
    selectedTab: 'profile',

changeTab (selectedTab) {

const { selectedTab } = this.state

    titleStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10}}
    selectedTitleStyle={{marginTop: -1, marginBottom: 6}}
    selected={selectedTab === 'feed'}
    title={selectedTab === 'feed' ? 'FEED' : null}
    renderIcon={() => <Icon containerStyle={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 12}} color={'#5e6977'} name='whatshot' size={33} />}
    renderSelectedIcon={() => <Icon color={'#6296f9'} name='whatshot' size={30} />}
    onPress={() => this.changeTab('feed')}>
    <Feed />
    titleStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 10}}
    selectedTitleStyle={{marginTop: -1, marginBottom: 6}}
    selected={selectedTab === 'profile'}
    title={selectedTab === 'profile' ? 'PROFILE' : null}
    renderIcon={() => <Icon containerStyle={{justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 12}} color={'#5e6977'} name='person' size={33} />}
    renderSelectedIcon={() => <Icon color={'#6296f9'} name='person' size={30} />}
    onPress={() => this.changeTab('profile')}>
    <Profile />
  /* ... more tabs here */

Hide Tab Bar

constructor () {
  this.state = {
    hideTabBar: true,

hideTabBar(value) {
    hideTabBar: value

let tabBarStyle = {};
let sceneStyle = {};
if (this.state.hideTabBar) {
  tabBarStyle.height = 0;
  tabBarStyle.overflow = 'hidden';
  sceneStyle.paddingBottom = 0;

<Tabs hidesTabTouch tabBarStyle={tabBarStyle} sceneStyle={sceneStyle}>
    <LoginView hideTabBar={this.hideTabBar.bind(this)} />
  /* ... tabs here */

Tabs Props

prop default type description
sceneStyle inherited object (style) define for rendered scene
tabBarStyle inherited object (style) define style for TabBar
tabBarShadowStyle inherited object (style) define shadow style for tabBar
hidesTabTouch false boolean disable onPress opacity for Tab

Tab Props

prop default type description
renderIcon none function returns Item icon
renderSelectedIcon none function returns selected Item icon
badgeText none string or number text for Item badge
renderBadge none function returns Item badge
title none string Item title
titleStyle inherited style styling for Item title
selectedTitleStyle none style styling for selected Item title
tabStyle inherited style styling for tab
selected none boolean return whether the item is selected
onPress none function onPress method for Item
allowFontScaling false boolean allow font scaling for title

For issues or feature requests related to Tab Bar component please click here

HTML Style Headings


<Text h1>Heading 1</Text>
<Text h2>Heading 2</Text>
<Text h3>Heading 3</Text>
<Text h4>Heading 4</Text>

Headings Props

prop default type description
h1 none boolean font size 40 (optional)
h2 none boolean font size 34 (optional)
h3 none boolean font size 28 (optional)
h4 none boolean font size 22 (optional)
fontFamily none string font family name (optional)
style none object (style) add additional styling for Text (optional)



Using strings

constructor () {
  this.state = {
    selectedIndex: 2
  this.updateIndex = this.updateIndex.bind(this)
updateIndex (selectedIndex) {

render () {
  const buttons = ['Hello', 'World', 'Buttons']
  const { selectedIndex } = this.state
  return (
      containerStyle={{height: 100}} />

Using components

constructor () {
  this.state = {
    selectedIndex: 2
  this.updateIndex = this.updateIndex.bind(this)
updateIndex (selectedIndex) {

const component1 = () => <Text>Hello</Text>
const component2 = () => <Text>World</Text>
const component3 = () => <Text>ButtonGroup</Text>

render () {
  const buttons = [{ element: component1 }, { element: component2 }, { element: component3 }]
  const { selectedIndex } = this.state
  return (
      containerStyle={{height: 100}} />

ButtonGroup props

prop default type description
selectedIndex none number current selected index of array of buttons (required)
onPress none function method to update Button Group Index (required)
buttons none array array of buttons for component (required), if returning a component, must be an object with { element: componentName }
component TouchableHighlight React Native Component Choose other button component such as TouchableOpacity (optional)
containerStyle inherited styling object (style) specify styling for main button container (optional)
selectedBackgroundColor white string specify color for selected state of button (optional)
textStyle inherited styling object (style) specify specific styling for text (optional)
selectedTextStyle inherited styling object (style) specify specific styling for text in the selected state (optional)
underlayColor white string specify underlayColor for TouchableHighlight (optional)
borderStyle inherited styling object (style) update the styling of the interior border of the list of buttons (optional)



import { CheckBox } from 'react-native-elements'

  title='Click Here'

  title='Click Here'

  title='Click Here'

  title='Click Here to Remove This Item'

Checkbox props

This component uses FontAwesome icons out of the box. You can also specify one of the following types of icons by specifying an iconType prop: Simple Line Icon, Zocial, Octicons, MaterialIcons, MaterialCommunityIcons, Ionicons, Foundation, EvilIcons, or Entypo

prop default type description
iconType fontawesome string icon family, can be one of the following: simple-line-icon, zocial, octicon, material, material-community, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, entypo (required only if specifying an icon that is not from font-awesome)
component TouchableOpacity React Native Component specify React Native component for main button (optional)
checked false boolean flag for checking the icon (required)
iconRight false boolean moves icon to right of text (optional)
right false boolean aligns checkbox to right (optional)
center false boolean aligns checkbox to center (optional)
title none string title of checkbox (required)
containerStyle none object (style) style of main container (optional)
textStyle none object (style) style of text (optional)
onLongPress none function onLongPress function for checkbox (optional)
onPress none function onPress function for checkbox (required)
checkedIcon check-square-o string default checked icon (Font Awesome Icon) (optional)
uncheckedIcon square-o string default checked icon (Font Awesome Icon) (optional)
checkedColor green string default checked color (optional)
uncheckedColor #bfbfbf string default unchecked color (optional)
checkedTitle none string specify a custom checked message (optional)
fontFamily System font bold (iOS), Roboto-Bold (android) string specify different font family



import { FormLabel, FormInput } from 'react-native-elements'

<FormInput onChangeText={someFunction}/>
<FormValidationMessage>Error message</FormValidationMessage>

FormValidationMessage example

FormValidationMessage example

FormInput props

prop default type description
containerStyle none object (style) TextInput container styling (optional)
inputStyle none object (style) TextInput styling (optional)
textInputRef none ref get ref of TextInput
containerRef none ref get ref of TextInput container
focus none function call focus on the textinput(optional), eg this.refs.someInputRef.focus()

FormLabel props

prop default type description
containerStyle none object (style) additional label container style (optional)
labelStyle none object (style) additional label styling (optional)
fontFamily System font bold (iOS), Roboto-Bold (android) string specify different font family

FormValidationMessage props

prop default type description
containerStyle none object (style) additional label container style (optional)
labelStyle none object (style) additional label styling (optional)
fontFamily System font bold (iOS), Roboto-Bold (android) string specify different font family

Using FormInput refs


You should be able to access the refs like this


Card Component

const users = [
    name: 'brynn',
    avatar: ''
 ... // more users here

import { Text } from 'react-native'
import { Card, ListItem, Button } from 'react-native-elements'

// implemented without image with header
  {, i) => {}

// implemented without image without header, using ListItem component
 <Card containerStyle={{padding: 0}} >
  {, i) => {
      return (
          avatar={{uri:u.avatar}} />


// implemented with Text and Button as children
  title='HELLO WORLD'
  <Text style={{marginBottom: 10}}>
    The idea with React Native Elements is more about component structure than actual design.
    icon={{name: 'code'}}
    buttonStyle={{borderRadius: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginBottom: 0}}
    title='VIEW NOW' />

Card props

prop default type description
flexDirection column string flex direction (row or column) (optional)
containerStyle none object (style) outer container style (optional)
wrapperStyle none object (style) inner container style (optional)
title none string optional card title (optional)
titleStyle none object (style) additional title styling (if title provided) (optional)
dividerStyle none object (style) additional divider styling (if title provided) (optional)
fontFamily System font bold (iOS), Roboto-Bold (android) string specify different font family
imageStyle inherited styling object(style) specify image styling if image is provided
image none image uri or require path add an image as the heading with the image prop (optional)

Pricing Component

Pricing Component

import { PricingCard } from 'react-native-elements'

  info={['1 User', 'Basic Support', 'All Core Features']}
  button={{ title: 'GET STARTED', icon: 'flight-takeoff' }}

PricingCard props

prop default type description
title none string title (required)
price none string price (required)
color none string color scheme for button & title (required)
info none array of strings pricing information (optional)
button none object {title, icon, buttonStyle} button information (required)
onButtonPress none any function to be run when button is pressed
containerStyle inherited styling object (style) outer component styling (optional)
wrapperStyle inherited styling object (style) inner wrapper component styling (optional)
titleFont System font (font weight 800) (iOS), Roboto-Black (android) string specify title font family
pricingFont System font (font weight 700) (iOS), Roboto-Bold (android) string specify pricing font family
infoFont System font bold (iOS), Roboto-Bold (android) string specify pricing information font family
buttonFont System font (iOS), Roboto (android) string specify button font family

Grid Component

The Grid component provides two types of layouts, Row and Column. This provides you with an easy way to position your elements on screen without using flex directly.

This component was inspired from react-native-easy-grid by GeekyAnts. Check out if you haven't already!


import {Grid, Row} from 'react-native-elements';



import {Grid, Col} from 'react-native-elements';


Creating nested layout

1 2

import {Grid, Col, Row} from 'react-native-elements';


Using the size prop

A ratio can be passed to the Size Prop

  <Row size={3}></Row>
  <Row size={1}></Row>

  <Col size={75}></Col>
  <Col size={25}></Col>

GridComponent Props

prop default type description
style none object (style) Outer grid styling (optional)
onPress none function onPress method (optional)
activeOpacity 1 number Opacity on pressing (optional)

ColComponent Props

props default type description
style none object (style) Styling for the outer column (optional)
size none number Size for column (optional)
onPress none function onPress method (optional)
activeOpacity 1 number Opacity on pressing (optional)

RowComponent Props

props default type description
style none object (style) Styling for the outer column (optional)
size none number Size for row (optional)
onPress none function onPress method (optional)
activeOpacity 1 number Opacity on pressing (optional)

Slider Component

Slider Component

A pure JavaScript component for react-native. It is a drop-in replacement for Slider.

This component is a forked implementation of react-native-slider. Also note that due to the nature of the platform, and the existence of breaking changes between React Native releases, this implementation currently only supports v0.26.0+

import { Slider } from 'react-native-elements'

<View style={{flex: 1, alignItems: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center'}}>
    onValueChange={(value) => this.setState({value})} />
  <Text>Value: {this.state.value}</Text>

Slider Props

prop type optional default description
value number Yes 0 Initial value of the slider
disabled bool Yes false If true the user won't be able to move the slider
minimumValue number Yes 0 Initial minimum value of the slider
maximumValue number Yes 1 Initial maximum value of the slider
step number Yes 0 Step value of the slider. The value should be between 0 and maximumValue - minimumValue)
minimumTrackTintColor string Yes '#3f3f3f' The color used for the track to the left of the button
maximumTrackTintColor string Yes '#b3b3b3' The color used for the track to the right of the button
thumbTintColor string Yes '#343434' The color used for the thumb
thumbTouchSize object Yes {width: 40, height: 40} The size of the touch area that allows moving the thumb. The touch area has the same center as the visible thumb. This allows to have a visually small thumb while still allowing the user to move it easily.
onValueChange function Yes Callback continuously called while the user is dragging the slider
onSlidingStart function Yes Callback called when the user starts changing the value (e.g. when the slider is pressed)
onSlidingComplete function Yes Callback called when the user finishes changing the value (e.g. when the slider is released)
style style Yes The style applied to the slider container
trackStyle style Yes The style applied to the track
thumbStyle style Yes The style applied to the thumb
debugTouchArea bool Yes false Set this to true to visually see the thumb touch rect in green.
animateTransitions bool Yes false Set to true if you want to use the default 'spring' animation
animationType string Yes 'timing' Set to 'spring' or 'timing' to use one of those two types of animations with the default animation properties.
animationConfig object Yes undefined Used to configure the animation parameters. These are the same parameters in the Animated library.

Tile Component

A component with full size image and with text either inside the image or under the image along with customizable caption

This component was inspired from Shoutem UI by Shoutem. Check out Shoutem if you haven't already!

Featured Tile

screen shot 2017-01-15 at 9 50 15 pm

   imageSrc={{require: ('./img/path')}}
   title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores dolore exercitationem"
   caption="Some Caption Text"

Featured Tile with Icon

screen shot 2017-01-15 at 9 50 22 pm

  imageSrc={{require: ('./img/path')}}
  icon={{name: 'play-circle', type: 'font-awesome'}}

Tile with Icon

screen shot 2017-01-15 at 9 50 34 pm

  imageSrc={{require: ('./img/path')}}
  title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur"
  icon={{name: 'play-circle', type: 'font-awesome'}}  // optional
  contentContainerStyle={{height: 70}}
  <View style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between'}}>

Tile Props

prop default type description
icon none object {name: string, color: string, size: number, type: string (default is material, or choose one of material-community, simple-line-icon, zocial, font-awesome, octicon, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, or entypo), iconStyle: object(style)} Icon Component Props (optional)
iconContainerStyle none object (style) Styling for the outer icon container (optional)
title none string Text inside the tile (optional)
titleStyle none object (style) Styling for the title (optional)
caption none string Text inside the tilt when tile is featured
captionStyle none object (style) Styling for the caption (optional)
featured false boolean Changes the look of the tile (optional)
containerStyle none object (style) Styling for the outer tile container (optional)
imageSrc none object (image) Source for the image (required)
imageContainerStyle none object (style) Styling for the image (optional)
onPress none function (event) Function to call when tile is pressed (optional)
activeOpacity 0.2 number Number passed to control opacity on press (optional)
contentContainerStyle none object (style) Styling for bottom container when not featured tile (optional)
width Device Width number Width for the tile (optional)
height Device Width * 0.8 number Height for the tile


React Native Elements UI Toolkit







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