This is an implementation of "A Material Point Method for Snow Simulation" (Stomakhin et al., 2013). There is a 2D version for OpenGL and a 3D version for Houdini.
You may need to modify the project build settings for it to work. Build dependencies:
- FreeImage:
Prebuilt versions of these libraries are included for debian based systems (x86-64).
- Click: adds a point for a snow shape
- Enter: finishes previous snow shape and starts a new one
- C: allows you to create a circle shape (first click sets origin, second click sets radius)
- F12: converts snow shapes to particles and starts the simulation
- ESC: stops the simulation and removes all snow
A Houdini digital asset, ramshorn_fx_mpm_snow_otl_stable.otl has been created for simulation and rendering setup. You'll need to install this otl as well as the snow solver node plugin. Source code is in SIM_SnowSolver.c. Run to build the plugin (Note: you may need to modify to point to your houdini installation directory). See tutorial.txt and tutorial.hipnc for a basic setup.