Neovim plugin for developing with dotnet. Currently nothing more than some basic methods to parse nuget v3 endpoints.
Plan is to create a plugin that can help with development with dotnet and provide some functionality similar to VS / VSCode or Rider. First goal is to make it as easy as possible to use nuget packages.
- dotnet cli in path
- plenary.nvim
Example with lazy.nvim
{ 'tornjk/dotnet.nvim', init = function() require('dotnet-nvim').setup() end }
options = {
nuget {
-- options for v3 search endpoint
search = {
-- amount of results to query
take = 50
-- basic authentication credentials for nuget apis
auth = {
['https://my-nuget.server'] = { user = 'user', password = 'password' }
- Query available nuget packages with search term
- Show window with available nuget packages and their respective versions
- Match package with installed package in csproj
- Make it possible to upgrade / downgrade package in csproj
- Upgrade all packages in csproj
- Create UI for dotnet templates (e.g. create new project, add Directory.Build.props or .gitignore)
- Provide shortcuts for dotnet build / dotnet run together with launchprofiles similar to VSCode
- Helper methods for MSBuild (Resolve OutDir / ArtifactsPath etc)
- Attach nuget capability autocomplete to nvim-cmp
- Parse authentication from top level nuget.config