A community driven fork of foglemans "Minecraft" repo.
The original project had great ideas and implemented really cool things, but it was primarily designed around teaching. This project is intended to create a community-driven engine for complicated voxel/roguelike games which ultimately can use and extend GURPS
The Generic Universal RolePlaying System, or GURPS, is a tabletop role-playing game system designed to allow for play in any game setting.
This project will be very permissive in accepting pull-requests.
# create a virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 ~/.venv/pycraft # (or wherever)
# you may need to add execute permissions
chmod -R a+x ~/.venv
# activate
. ~/.venv/pycraft/bin/activate # on mac
. ~/.venv/pycraft/Scripts/activate # on windows
# deactivate (when you're done)
pip install -e .
option 1:
pip install -e .[dev]
# or: python3 setup.py develop
option 2:
python -m pycraft
# or: python3 -m pycraft
- Support for python 3.5
- Simple Perlin Noise terrain generator
- Object-oriented blocks system
- W: forward
- S: back
- A: strafe left
- D: strafe right
- Mouse: look around
- Space: jump
- Tab: toggle flying mode
- Selecting the type of block to create:
- 1: brick
- 2: grass
- 3: sand
- Mouse left-click: remove block
- Mouse right-click: create block
- ESC: release mouse, then close window
We support and encourage contributions.