A game lobby system
lobbypy is a web based lobby system built on Pyramid and mongodb. It's goal is to be as game agnostic as possible so as to allow the addition of games besides its primary focus of TF2.
Prior to the steps below, make sure you have Python 2.7, easy_install (aka setuptools), and virtualenv. You will also need a redis server and a Steam API key
Create a virtualenv for lobbypy:
$virtualenv lobbypy-env
Clone lobbypy into your virtualenv:
$cd lobbypy-env $git clone git://github.com/TronPaul/lobbypy.git
Run setup.py to get required packages:
$cd lobbypy $../bin/python setup.py develop
Put your steam API key into
Run lobbypy:
$../bin/pserve development.ini
To check the current test coverage of lobbypy:
Get the dependencies:
$../bin/pip install nose coverage
Run nosetests:
See lobbypy's Issues page