This repository contains our source code as well as our development roadmap for features and updates. Found an issue or want to make an improvement? Leave us an issue or pull request!
- Grow and maintain an active userbase
TrackTask is a shareable task management platform. Users can create tasks with names, descriptions, due dates, etc. and keep track of their completion & priority. Additionally, tasks can be grouped in collections, which can be shared with other users and modified by them if they have the right permissions. Learn more
TrackTask is a browser-based web app that can be accessed at We've done our best to ensure support for all major web browsers, including ease of use and PWA installability on mobile devices.
Glad you asked! Here's a running features list:
- Login/signup
- User and collection roles
- Full user administration panel
- Tasks (with name, description, due date, priority, and completion)
- Shareable collections (with name and description)
- Reporting for admin attention (tasks, users, collections)
- Anti-spam measures like reCAPTCHA and rate-limiting
- User-friendly task, collection, and account UIs
- Informational pages (about, privacy policy, terms of use)
- Optional push notifications
- Toggleable light and dark themes
- Active codebase development
... and more to come!
Over the course of this project's development, several people have been involved as members of TrackTask's development team:
- Past developers:
- @radi8 (testing/development)
- @Quantum-Codes (testing/development)
- @micahlt (consultant)
- Logo creator: @daily_meme
Currently, as the project's main development cycle has concluded, only one official developer remains an active contributor:
- Lead developer: @TurtleCode84
This project, while feature-complete, is still in development, some things may not work as expected. We're working on adding new features and improving existing infrastructure, but most of our development team has other commitments and a life outside of TrackTask, so we can't always devote our attention to issues/improvements.
If you find something that you dislike and/or think could be better, please don't just complain about it. Sometimes we miss things, but most times we'd like to know how we can improve things, so complaining about them won't always get you (or us) anywhere.
The code you see here is the product of hundreds of hours of work and improvement. We are very proud of how far we've come since development on TrackTask first started nearly a year ago. The truth is, this project was created to satisfy a single person's need to keep track of school assignments, but it's grown to be much more; a worthwhile learning experience, a result that hopefully a few others will continue to find useful for many years to come.
Please see our for contributing guidelines and instructions. Thanks for your input!
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