I'm Drex, I'm a full-stack developer. I'm proficient in Typescript and C#. I'm keen to learn new things and can work out a solution or fresh concept at any moment and I am eager to be a member of any team, providing fantastic ideas to said team and being skilled at converting a concept into a reality. I am always willing to assist anyone in need while seeking guidance from others.
- Calicall
- Redis - Caching
- Express.js + Socket.io - Server side
- Postgress - Primary database
- Nextjs - Web-Framework for client side
- Peerjs - for handling peer to peer call
- Discord-Auth : Uses discord authentication for the SignIn and Login
- Stren
- Jikan-api - Getting data of the anime and the latest anime hits
- Nextjs + Chakra-UI - Website build using chakra UI
- Meme App
- React-Native : Used expo to build the app
- Flexio
- MongoDB : Primary Database
- React-Native : Mobile client
- Nextjs : Web client
- Express-js : server side