Implementation of the RESOLUTE pseudo-CT (pCT) method for the Siemens mMR.
If you use the RESOLUTE pCT approach in your work, please cite the following paper:
- Region specific optimization of continuous linear attenuation coefficients based on UTE (RESOLUTE): application to PET/MR brain imaging. Ladefoged, C. N., Benoit, D., Law, I., Holm, S., Kjaer, A., Hojgaard, L., … Andersen, F. L. (2015). Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60(20), 8047–8065. DOI
- ANTs
- ITK (Note. this can be built when compiling ANTs)
- Boost
- glog
- DCMTK. The application
must be available on your path.
The images that are required to run this application are available on Zenodo:
Please extract the zip and amend the JSON file as described below.
./resolute -i <DICOMDIR> -j <JSON>
where <DICOMDIR>
contains both the UTE and MRAC DICOM data for a given patient and <JSON>
is the JSON configuration file. The application will produce a folder in the output directory specified in the JSON file. The output folder is named using the Study UID
, and inside this folder will be a new DICOM series comprising the RESOLUTE MRAC image.
A skeleton JSON file can be created with the command:
./resolute --create-json <MYJSONFILE>
is an output filename.
The skeleton will look like this:
"MRACSeriesName": "Head_MRAC_PET_UTE_UMAP",
"UTE1SeriesName": "Head_MRAC_PET_UTE",
"UTE1TE": "0.07",
"UTE2SeriesName": "Head_MRAC_PET_UTE",
"UTE2TE": "2.46",
"destDir": ".",
"destExportMethod": "FILE",
"destFileType": ".nii.gz",
"logDir": "./logs",
"regArgs": "3 -m CC[<%%REF%%>,<%%FLOAT%%>,1,4] -i 10x5x2 -o <%%PREFIX%%> -t SyN[0.5] -r Gauss[3,0] -G",
"regName": "ANTS",
"regTemplatePath": "",
"version": "0.0.1"
Fill in the desired output directory in the variable destDir
, and the path to the registration template manifest.json
in regTemplatePath
, e.g.
"MRACSeriesName": "Head_MRAC_PET_UTE_UMAP",
"UTE1SeriesName": "Head_MRAC_PET_UTE",
"UTE1TE": "0.07",
"UTE2SeriesName": "Head_MRAC_PET_UTE",
"UTE2TE": "2.46",
"destDir": "./OUTPUT",
"destExportMethod": "FILE",
"destFileType": ".nii.gz",
"logDir": "./logs",
"regName": "ANTS",
"regTemplatePath": "/path/to/template/manifest.json",
"regArgs": "3 -m CC[<%%REF%%>,<%%FLOAT%%>,1,4] -i 10x5x2 -o <%%PREFIX%%> -t SyN[0.5] -r Gauss[3,0] -G",
"version": "0.0.1"