is the CLI tool used to interact with the Reclaim the Stack platform. It wraps kubectl
and some other CLI tools and interfaces with configured ArgoCD gitops repos.
Note: A recent version of ruby
is recommended to run k
. You may get away with the MacOS default Ruby installation but there are probably commands which won't work correctly. We recommend a version manager such as rbenv to install and use the latest Ruby version. Once things stabilize we'll likely package k
with a pre-baked Ruby runtime to avoid the dependency.
Via Homebrew
brew install --HEAD reclaim-the-stack/tap/k
Without Homebrew
Install the dependencies: kubectl, kail, kubeseal and yq
Then download the k file from this repository, make it executable and put it in your PATH.
The first step when using k
will be to configure a "context". A context is a combination of:
- A GitHub repository containing ArgoCD platform and applications manifests
- A Kubernetes cluster (ie. a locally configured kubectl context)
- A Docker registry + namespace containing Docker images to be deployed as applications
Run k contexts:add <github-gitops-url>
to add your first context.
Note that k
stores all its configuration in YAML at ~/.k/config
. Feel free to inspect this file and make changes by hand if you so desire.
Run k
to get a list of commands.
We don't provide any rigorous documentation as of yet. If you've used the Heroku CLI tool a lot of things will seem familiar. Feel free to explore the available commands and provide feedback if something is hard to understand or broken.