Tools for the 2020 5-year Ambient Air Monitoring Network Assessments
Based on the NetAssess app from LADCO (
Author: Ben Wells, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Latest Update: September 13, 2019
You must have R installed on your local machine (if you don't have R, you can download it from
Clone or download this repository to your local drive. Unzip the .zip file. Start an R session.
Make sure the following R packages are installed: shiny, data.table, deldir, fields, plyr, reshape2, rgdal, rgeos, RSQLite, sp
To install these packages, copy the following into the command prompt:
Change your working directory to the one where you downloaded the files: setwd("C:/Path_to_your/downloaded_files/")
Start the app: library(shiny); runApp();
Phone: 919-541-7507