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Chandra Gummaluru edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the SLAM wiki.

The information here is intended to help you get started with our project(s). More in-depth documentation can be found at

Getting Started with ROS

Our robot code is developed using the Robot Operating System (ROS). if you are unfamiliar with ROS and/or require help setting it up, we have some tutorials below:

Disclaimer: These tutorials heavily borrow from the official ROS Wiki.

  1. Setting Up Your Operating System:
    How to dual-boot Ubuntu with Windows or macOS.

  2. Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment:
    How to install ROS and configure the ROS environment for development.

  3. Creating and Building a ROS Package:
    How to create a ROS package using catkin_create_pkg and build it using catkin_make.

  4. Understanding ROS Architecture:
    How the ROS architecture works.

Getting Started with SLAM and Navigation

Our sub-team actually handles two logistical components of our robot(s): SLAM, and Navigation

  • Simulatenous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) refers to constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of the robot's location within it.

  • Navigation refers to planning a path to take to reach a destination, given a map, and the robot's current location.

If you are unfamiliar with SLAM and/or navigation, we have some tutorials that give a brief overview below:

  1. What is SLAM?:
    An overview of the SLAM problem.

  2. What is Navigation?
    An overview of the navigation problem.

Note: If you are interested in learning SLAM and/or navigation theory on a deeper level, you can find our detailed notes here. However, this knowledge is not required to continue.

SLAM and Navigation on ROS

General ROS and Technical Help

On Simulation

Tutorials specific to simulation can be found below:

On Robot

Tutorials specific to the actual robot can be found below:

Using our Packages

There are several pre-existing SLAM and navigation ROS packages, thus we cannot provide a generic overview here. However, we have provided details on the packages we use below:

Additional Resources