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Discord bot providing status updates on the ongoing war within the game Foxhole.

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Sitrep - A Foxhole Discord bot

This project is a Discord bot providing status updates on the ongoing war within the game Foxhole.

Foxhole is a massively multiplayer game where you will work with hundreds of players to shape the outcome of a persistent online war. The bot is developed with the War API, and fetches data via the API every time the user initiates the bot with pre-written commands

This project is in heavy development and features are subject to change.


The prefix for activating Sitrep is !sr followed by your command. Each argument in the commands requires a single space in between.

List of current commands:

  • !sr help - Gives a list of all commands
  • !sr report - Gives a report of the current wars' casualties and enlistments on both sides.
  • !sr hex "hex name" - This command gives an overview of casualties and enlistments on both sides of the current war in a specific hex. Example: !sr hex viper
    • The command doesn't require the whole hexagons name. You can simply search with a minimum of 3 characters. For example, writing !sr hex wild will return with data from the hex Umbral Wildwood.
  • !sr captures "hex name" - This command returns a list of captures structures by each side.


According to plan, the bot will have the following features:

  • Overall war report
    • Casualties on both sides
    • War duration and outcome
  • Individual Hex information
  • Latest 24 hours
    • List of recent objectives captured/lost

If the project receives sufficient support and engagement, features that could be included are as follows:

  • Prior wars outcomes
    • Total casualties, victors, etc.
  • Majority control of key objectives
    • Number of factories, refineries, etc. that each side holds.


While in development, the bot will not be able to be invited into other Discords. The code, however, will remain open-source if you wish to try it out yourself and maybe contribute. Meanwhile, you can support my work by buying me a coffee right here.


Discord bot providing status updates on the ongoing war within the game Foxhole.





