This is a solution to a solo project from Scrimba. Solo projects are meant to challenge the skills you've learnt so far through the courses; there is no solution given by Scrimba.
- You should make sure that there is an array that is holding the services that are requested
- Add buttons to add services to the array
- Every time something is added you should update the view below which shows what service is being added and the total price on the right
- Don't charge more than once for the same service
- The total cost should stay updated
- The button 'send invoice' should be a reset button
- Stretch goal: remove button to remove items from the task list
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Flexbox
- JavaScript
- Mobile-first workflow
- Light and dark version
- Figma design files from Scrimba
- Check this project online