This addon is unfinished, broken and bad coded. I did this addon back then to teach myself more LUA this way.
I planned releasing it, but never did it. I quit gmod and have no interest in working on it anymore.
This means, don't use it on your server - it won't end up nice.
You're maybe asking yourself, why do I need seatbelts in Garry's Mod?
Imagine you have a SeriousRP server running. To make the RP more serious you want to make it as realistic as possible, right?
That's why I created this. There are many addons available, but there is no addon adding seatbelts to the game (Or atleast at the time I'm writing).
Here is a demonstration video:
- VCMod support
- (Only VCMod) Can't change seats while strapped
- Vehicle exiting blocked while strapped
- Nice logo animation
- Strap in sounds are hearable for other players
- Chime sounds if you do not wear your seatbelt
- 3 predone seatbelt logos in different colors
- Cooldown so players can't spam
- Chime sounds go on if you are faster than 30 mph (default value configurable)
- Materials are automatically downloaded for the player
What exactly does this addon do? You put your seatbelt on and you won't be able to:
- Exit the vehicle and switch seats (vcmod).
- The chime turns on if you have reached more than 25 mph (if left default) and you still don't have your seatbelt on.
- Other players will hear the strap in sound from you.
The needed materials should be downloaded automatically for the players. You can find the config in: lua/seatbelt/config.lua
To install: Download and move the "seatbelt" folder into your addons folder.
// Seatbelt settings
Seatbelt.cooldown = 2 -- How long should the strap in cooldown be? (Don't go lower than 2 or else it will cause bugs!)
Seatbelt.volume = 1 -- How loud should the strap in sound be? (Max 0 - 1)
Seatbelt.range = 5 -- How far should you hear it? (Max 0 - 150)
Seatbelt.key = KEY_G -- What Key do you need to press in order to strap in?
// Chime settings
Seatbelt.chimevolume = 1 -- How loud should the chime volume be? (Max 0 - 1, set it to 0 to disable the chime)
Seatbelt.chimemph = 25 -- If you are faster than this value in mph the chime turns on
Seatbelt.checkspeed = 1 -- If you have a big server increase this to get better performance (Time it takes to check your speed so in the default case every second)
// Seatbelt logo settings
Seatbelt.logo = "materials/logo/seatbelt_red.png"
-- What Seatbelt warning logo do you want to use? You can choose between:
-- seatbelt_black.png | seatbelt_gray.png | seatbelt_red.png
Seatbelt.strapin = 0.8 -- How fast should the strap in logo animation be?
Seatbelt.unstrap = 2 -- How fast should the unstrap logo animation be?```