.NET Core bridge to use LINQ from the command line
Example usages:
Run a terminal and go the the binary folder
Add aliases:
alias map='./BashLinq.exe select'
alias select='./BashLinq.exe select'
alias filter='./BashLinq.exe where'
alias where='./BashLinq.exe where'
alias groupby='./BashLinq.exe groupby'
Try some C# LINQ to map/filter other command's output
ls | where 'i => i.ToLower().Contains("a")'
ls | groupby 'i => i.Length'
# BashLinq.deps.json
# BashLinq.dll
# BashLinq.pdb
# BashLinq.runtimeconfig.dev.json
# BashLinq.runtimeconfig.json
ls | select "ToUpper()" | where '!StartsWith("Bash")'