Libft is a School 42 project. The purpose of this project is to create own C library.
is the task file.
- ft_memset
- ft_bzero
- ft_memcpy
- ft_memccpy
- ft_memmove
- ft_memchr
- ft_memcmp
- ft_strlen
- ft_strdup
- ft_strcpy
- ft_strncpy
- ft_strcat
- ft_strncat
- ft_strlcat
- ft_strchr
- ft_strrchr
- ft_strstr
- ft_strnstr
- ft_strcmp
- ft_strncmp
- ft_atoi
- ft_isalpha
- ft_isdigit
- ft_isalnum
- ft_isascii
- ft_isprint
- ft_toupper
- ft_tolower
- ft_memalloc
- ft_memdel
- ft_strnew
- ft_strdel
- ft_strclr
- ft_striter
- ft_striteri
- ft_strmap
- ft_strmapi
- ft_strequ
- ft_strnequ
- ft_strsub
- ft_strjoin
- ft_strtrim
- ft_strsplit
- ft_itoa
- ft_putchar
- ft_putstr
- ft_putendl
- ft_putnbr
- ft_putchar_fd
- ft_putstr_fd
- ft_putendl_fd
- ft_putnbr_fd
By task
Added personally
- ft_isupper (standard function)
- ft_islower (standard function)
- ft_isspace (standard function)
- ft_isblank (standard function)
- ft_lstaddback (wiki)
- ft_strndup (standard function)
- ft_strnlen (standard function)
- ft_strlwr (wiki)
- ft_strupr (wiki)
- ft_strrev (wiki)
- ft_strchrs (wiki)
- ft_strsubchr (wiki)