The PPE Detector for Worker Safety - is a real-time computer vision model for PPE non-compliance detection in the industrial setting. The solution detects seven object classes: Bare Head, Helmet, Ear Protection, Welding Mask, Bare Chest(NO Visibility Vest), High Visibility Vest, Person.
Using our model for real time prediction is as simple as this:
predictor = sagemaker.predictor.RealTimePredictor(
' your endpoint name ',
with open('data/sample_image.jpg', 'rb') as img:
img_bytes = bytearray(
result = predictor.predict(img_bytes).decode("utf-8")
Also we've published two notebooks showing how to use our model:
- Using-PPE-Detector-Endpoint.ipynb notebook shows how you can use Python API to perform inference on endpoint created from the model
- Using-Personal-Protection-Equipment-Detection-model.ipynb notebook shows how you can use Python API to run the full scenario:
- deploy our model to create an endpoint
- run Real Time inference on endpoint using local image
- visualize and save the prediction on original image
- run Batch Transform job to perfom the inference on your data stored in Amazon S3 bucket
- You can find sample input data in demo_input folder
- demo_output_images folder contains images with detections predicted by the model and visualized using
method - demo_raw_output folder contains raw output generated by our model using
Batch Transform