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A tiny library (~20kb minified) simplifies building web components using a base class and small set of decorators.


npm i @tinyweb/core --save


A simple todo app.

import { TinyElement, ElementChanges, element, query, handle, input } from '@tinyweb/core';

  `<div class="container">
      <input name="todo" placeholder="New Todo" />
      <button type="submit">Add</button>
    <div class="list">
class TodoApp extends TinyElement {
  todosContainer: HTMLDivElement;

  input: HTMLInputElement;

  @handle('submit', 'form')
  onSubmit(evt: Event) {
    if (!this.input.value) {

    const todo = this.create('todo-item', {
      props: {
        item: this.input.value

    this.addChildren([todo], this.todosContainer);
    this.input.value = '';

    <span class="text"></span>
    <button type="button" style="font-size:10px" class="delete">❌</button>
class Todo extends TinyElement {
  item: string;

  spanEl: HTMLSpanElement;

  deleteEl: HTMLButtonElement;

  onChanges(changes: ElementChanges) {
    if (changes.has('item')) {
      this.updateHtml(this.item, this.spanEl);

  @handle('click', '.delete')
  onDelete(evt: Event) {

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const board = document.createElement('todo-app');



element(name: string, tpl: string, shadow: boolean = false) decorator

Decorator that helps to register a class as custom web element.

input(attribute = false, dataType = AttributeValueDataType.STRING) decorator

Decorator that marks the applied property as an input. The supported values of AttributeValueDataType are STRING, NUMBER and BOOLEAN.

query(selector: string, parent?: string) decorator

Decorator that helps to query and return the first matched DOM element on accessing the applied property.

queryAll(selector: string, parent?: string) decorator

Decorator that helps to query and returns all matched DOM elements on accessing the applied property.

handle(eventName: string, element: string = 'self', all = false) decorator

Decorator that helps to bind a DOM event with a function. The default value of element is "self" and you can pass any valid child element selector to it.

TinyElement (Base Class)

Contains methods to perform DOM operations.

create<T extends HTMLElement>(name: string, options: TinyElementCreateOptions): T

Create new element and returns it. The TinyElementCreateOptions interface looks like below,

interface TinyElementCreateOptions {
   * Element id.
  id?: string;

   * CSS class(es).
  cls?: string | Array<string>;

   * Properties.
  props?: KeyValue;

   * DOM attributes.
  attrs?: KeyValue;

   * Styles.
  styles?: KeyValue;

   * Events.
  events?: EventMap;

   * Parent element.
  parent?: string | TinyElement | HTMLElement;

   * Inner HTML.
  html?: string;

   * Children.
  children?: Array<{ name: string; options: TinyElementCreateOptions }>;

$<T extends HTMLElement>(selector: string, el: UIElement = this): T

Queries and returns the element that matches the passed CSS selector. UIElement is a composite type and it can be string, TinyElement or HTMLElement.

$$<T extends HTMLElement>(selector: string, el: UIElement = this): NodeListOf<T>

Queries and returns the elements that matches the passed CSS selector.

hasClass(cls: string, element: UIElement = this): boolean

Returns true if the element has the passed CSS class name.

addClass(classes: string | Array<string>, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Adds single or multiple classes.

removeClass(classes: string | Array<string>, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Removes single or multiple classes.

clearClasses(el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Clear all classes.

toggleClass(cls: string | Array<string>, el: UIElement = this, state?: boolean): TinyElement

Toggles source css classes with the target.

replaceClass(sourceCls: string | Array<string>, targetCls: string | Array<string>, element: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Replaces source css classes with the target css classes.

getAttr(name: string, el: UIElement = this): string

Returns the attribute value of the element.

setAttr(obj: KeyValue, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Sets attributes for element from the passed object. The KeyValue interface refers an object structure and it looks as below,

interface KeyValue {
  [key: string]: any;

removeAttr(attrs: string | Array<string>, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Removes the passed attributes from the element.

getData(name: string, el: UIElement = this): string

Returns the value of the data attribute.

setData(obj: KeyValue, el: UIElement = this): string

Sets object of data attributes.

getStyle(name: string, el: UIElement = this): string

Returns the passed style's value.

hasStyle(style: string, element: UIElement = this): boolean

Returns true if the element has the passed style.

addStyle(styles: object, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Add passed styles.

clearStyles(el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Clears the passed styles.

removeStyles(styles: string | Array<string>, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Removes the passed style(s).

getChild(index: number, parent = this): HTMLElement

Returns the child from the passed index.

addChildren(children: HTMLElement | Array<HTMLElement> | HTMLCollection | Array<DocumentFragment>, parent = this): TinyElement

Inserts the passed elements as children.

removeChildren(el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Removes all the children.

updateHtml(html: string, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Updates html of the element.

show(el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Shows the element.

hide(el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Hides the element.

enable(element: UIElement = this, enable = true): TinyElement

Enables / disables component based on passed flag.

on<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(eventName: string, handler: EventHandler<K>, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Subscribes to the event. The EventHandler type refers a DOM event handler and it looks as below,

type EventHandler<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap> = (this: HTMLElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any;

off<K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(eventName: string, handler: EventHandler<K>, el: UIElement = this): TinyElement

Un-subscribes from the event.


Invoked after the element is connected to DOM (life-cycle hook).


Invoked after the element is dis-connected to DOM (life-cycle hook).

onChanges(changes: ElementChanges)

Called initially and whenever there is a change in inputs (life-cycle hook). The ElementChanges type looks as below,

type ElementChanges = Map<string, { oldValue: any; newValue: any }>;


