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Terraform integration w/ the Please build system.

This includes support for the following:

  • terraform_toolchain: Easy management of multiple versions of Terraform.
  • terraform_module: Terraform modules from the local filesystem.
  • terraform_registry_module: Terraform Modules from the Terraform Registry.
  • terraform_root: Terraform root configuration management.


This build rule allows you to specify a Terraform version to download and re-use in terraform_root rules. You can repeat this for multiple versions if you like, see //third_party/terraform/BUILD for examples.


This build rule allows you to specify a Terraform module to re-use in your terraform_root rules or as dependencies in other terraform_module rules. These Terraform modules are sourced locally on the filesystem. For externally sourced modules, see terraform_registry_module.

See //examples/<version>/my_module/BUILD for examples of terraform_modules.

In your Terraform source code, you should refer to your modules by their canonical build label. e.g.:

module "my_module" {
    source = "//examples/0.12/my_module:my_module"

If your module has providers or required providers configuration, you must include them as deps.


This build rule allows you to specify a Terraform Module from the a Terraform Registry to re-use in your terraform_root rules or as dependencies in other terraform_module rules.

Set //example/third_party/terraform/module/BUILD for examples of terraform_registry_modules.

module "remote_module" {
    source = "//examples/third_party/modules:my_module"


This build rule allows to specify a Terraform root module which is the root configuration where Terraform will be executed. In this build rule, you reference the srcs for the root module as well as the providers and modules those srcs use.

Terraform Providers are mirrored into a local directory for Terraform to source them from (

We support substitution of the following please build environment variables into your source terraform files:

  • PKG
  • NAME
  • ARCH
  • OS This allows you to template Terraform code to keep your code DRY. for example: A terraform remote state configuration can that can be re-used in all terraform_roots:
terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    region         = "eu-west-1"
    bucket         = "my-terraform-state"
    key            = "$PKG/$NAME.tfstate"
    dynamodb_table = "my-terraform-state-lock"
    encrypt        = true

The above will result in a terraform state tree consistent with the structure of your repository.

This build rule generates the following subrules which perform the Terraform workflows:

  • <name>: for all workflows. This sets up a Virtual Environment where terraform can be called directly. For example:
    • plz run //my_infrastructure_tf -- terraform init
    • plz run //my_infrastructure_tf -- "terraform init && terraform console"
  • _plan
  • _apply
  • _destroy
  • `` for all other workflows e.g.

For all of these workflows, we support passing in flags via please as expected, e.g.:

$ plz run //my_tf:my_tf_plan -- -lock=false
$ plz run //my_tf:my_tf_import -- resource_type.my_resource resource_id

See //example/<version>/BUILD for examples of terraform_root.

NOTE: This build rule utilises a Terraform working directory in plz-out, so whilst this is okay for demonstrations, you must use Terraform Remote State for your regular work. This can be added either simply through your srcs or through a pre_binaries binary.


Please Plugin

; .plzconfig

; Support the non *-rules repo name format of Please plugins.
PluginRepo = ["{owner}/{plugin}/archive/{revision}.zip"]

[Plugin "terraform"]
Target = //third_party/plugins:terraform
ToolVersion = "v0.0.1" ; Skipping ToolVersion will build the Tool from source.
# //third_party/plugins/BUILD
    name = "terraform",
    owner = "VJftw",
    plugin = "please-terraform",
    revision = "v0.0.1",

Please Remote Files

# //third_party/defs/BUILD

    name = "_terraform#download",
    url = f"{TERRAFORM_DEF_VERSION}/build/defs/terraform.build_defs",
    hashes = ["95289dba7ae82131a7bb69976b5cdbedb4e7563c889a5b0d10da01d643be4540"],

    name = "terraform_tool",
    url = f"{TERRAFORM_DEF_VERSION}/please-terraform",
    visibility = ["PUBLIC"],
    binary = True,

    name = "terraform",
    srcs = [":_terraform#download"],
    outs = ["terraform_custom.build_defs"],
    cmd = [
        "mv $SRCS $OUTS",
        # Replace CONFIG.TERRAFORM.TOOL with your tool.
        # Replace CONFIG.TERRAFORM.DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN with your tool.
    visibility = ["PUBLIC"],

Future Work

  • terraform_module:

    • Support uploading these Terraform Modules to the Terraform Registry for promotion-based configuration.
  • terraform_root:

    • Add optional additional rules for linting:
      • terraform fmt -check
      • terraform init -lock=false && terraform validate

Future Work - Examples