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VRL-UG Plugin

How To Build This Project

1. Dependencies

  • JDK >= 1.8
  • UG4 binaries
  • Internet Connection (other dependencies will be downloaded automatically)
  • Optional: IDE with Gradle support

2. Configuration (Optional)

If the plugin shall be installed to a custom destination, specify the path in, e.g.,

# vrl property folder location (plugin destination)

Otherwise, the plugin will be installed to the default location (depends on VRL version that is specified in the gradle dependencies).

3. Build & Install

Adding UG4 Binaries

UG4 binaries should be placed in the resource folder as follows


The contains the ug library:


In addition to the ug4.dll the windows archive should contain the redistributable dlls (see Visual Studio documentation), e.g.:

Hints for building UG:

To be used as VRL plugin UG should be compiled with the CMake options -DTARGET=vrland -DEMBEDDED_PLUGINS=ON.


To build the project from an IDE do the following:

  • open the Gradle project
  • call the installVRLPlugin Gradle task to build and install the plugin
  • restart VRL-Studio

Command Line

Building the project from the command line is also possible.

Navigate to the project folder and call the installVRLPlugin Gradle task to build and install the plugin.

Bash (Linux/OS X/Cygwin/other Unix-like OS)
cd Path/To/VRL-UG/
./gradlew installVRLPlugin
Windows (CMD)
cd Path\To\VRL-UG\
gradlew installVRLPlugin

Finally, restart VRL-Studio

Generating Java API for UG4

After installing and restarting VRL-Studio the VRL-UG plugin will automatically initiate the code generation and compilation of the Java binding which shows up as separate plugin (VRL-UG-API). If the compilation of the binding API fails, it is most likely an error related to class groups which don't have a common base class.

As an alternative to the automatic build process, one can manually compile the generated gradle project. To do so, follow these steps:

  • install Gradle, e.g. via brew install gradle.
  • start VRL-Studio after installing VRL-UG plugin
  • navigate to the generated gradle project inside the tmp folder
  • run gradle installVRLPlugin
  • start VRL-Studio to use the plugin

Here's an example output from the code generator during VRL-Studio start (start VRL-Studio from terminal to see the output):

>> UG-Build-Location (Automatic Compilation): /Users/myname/.vrl/0.4.3/default/tmp/0/4a2b6216-1b1b-4675-a458-c5d4a78b4f3c
>> UG-Build-Location (Gradle Project):        /Users/myname/.vrl/0.4.3/default/tmp/0/e555b170-54de-45d8-ac46-eb40b6602ad5/VRL-UG-API
>> API code generation done.

If you keep VRL-Studio running, automatic compilation will continue. As soon as the output shows

>> API code generation done.

you can quit VRL-Studio if you'd prefer to compile the code manually.

Compiling the project (example):

cd /Users/myname/.vrl/0.4.3/default/tmp/0/e555b170-54de-45d8-ac46-eb40b6602ad5/VRL-UG-API
gradle installVRLPlugin