Unofficial Python3 library for the Bitso API
While there are existing python libraries for most cryptocurrency exchanges, each exchange has a different api. This results on a lot of disparities on how libraries are implemented, and as such each one has a very different usage, and return values. This library attempts to set a standardized way for exchange libraries.
Supported exchanges:
Note: While I attempt to avoid making breaking changes, this library is still work in progress (WIP), use under your own risk.
- Add public endpoints
- Add private endpoints
- Upload to pip
Install from source with:
python install
- Python 3.3+
Some of the most relevant endpoints:
from bitsopy.bitso import Bitso
client = Bitso()
# Get ticker
ticker = {
"mid": 333.985,
"bid": 333.98,
"ask": 333.99,
"last_price": 333.99,
"low": 321.1, # Not supported by some exchanges
"high": 345.9, # Not supported by some exchanges
"volume": 5957.11914015,
"timestamp": 1447533963.0
# Get orderbook
orderboook = {
"bids": [
"price": 295.96,
"amount": 4.39088265,
"timestamp": 1420674445.201
} ...
"asks": [
"price": 295.97,
"amount": 25.23542881,
"timestamp": 1420674445.201
} ...
# Get trades
trades = expected_response = [
"timestamp": 1415398768.0,
"tid": 74,
"price": 10.0,
"amount": 0.01,
"exchange": "Bitso",
"type": "buy"
} ...
# Get symbols
symbols = ["bchusd", "ltceur", "ltcusd"]
- Discuss changes by creating a issue.
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch with fix, or feature with it's proper tests.
- Create a PR