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ez is a minimalistic Go package for error handling, that makes errors a first-class citizen in your application domain.

It provides a clean, easy (pun intended) and consistent way to handle errors across different consumer roles: your application logic, end users and developers.

Based on Ben Johnson Failure is your domain awesome post.

Why ez?

Go's error handling can be challenging - while errors are core to the language, there's no prescribed way to handle them effectively. ez solves this by providing:

  • Role-Based Error Handling: Different error information for different consumers

    • 🤖 Application: Clean error codes for programmatic handling
    • 👤 End Users: Clear, actionable error messages
    • 👨💻 Developers: Detailed logical stack traces for debugging
  • Domain-Centric Design: Errors become part of your domain model, just like your Customer or Order types

  • Clean Stack Traces: Logical operation tracking without the noise of full stack traces

  • Standard Error Codes: Pre-defined, widely-applicable error codes inspired by HTTP/gRPC standards


go get

Quick Start

import ""

// Create a new error
err := ez.New(
    "UserService.CreateUser",  // Operation name
    ez.EINVALID,              // Error code
    "Username cannot be empty", // User-friendly message
    nil,                      // Optional underlying error

// Check error codes
if ez.ErrorCode(err) == ez.EINVALID {
    // Handle validation error

// Get user-friendly message
message := ez.ErrorMessage(err) // "Username cannot be empty"

// Get full error trace for developers
ez.ErrorStackTrace(err) // "UserService.CreateUser: <invalid> Username cannot be empty"

Core Features

1. Standardized Error Codes

Pre-defined error codes that cover most common scenarios:

const (
    ECONFLICT   = "conflict"           // Action cannot be performed
    EINTERNAL   = "internal"           // Internal error
    EINVALID    = "invalid"            // Validation failed
    ENOTFOUND   = "not_found"          // Entity does not exist
    ENOTAUTHORIZED    = "not_authorized"     // Missing permissions
    ENOTAUTHENTICATED = "not_authenticated"  // Not authenticated
    ERESOURCEEXHAUSTED = "resource_exhausted" // Resource exhausted
    ENOTIMPLEMENTED    = "not_implemented"    // Not implemented
    EUNAVAILABLE       = "unavailable"        // System unavailable

2. Error Wrapping

Build logical stack traces by wrapping errors:

func (s *UserService) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) error {
    const op = "UserService.CreateUser"

    // Validate user
    if user.Username == "" {
        return ez.New(op, ez.EINVALID, "Username is required", nil)

    // Try to create user
    if err := s.db.CreateUser(user); err != nil {
        return ez.Wrap(op, err) // Preserves original error details

    return nil

3. Error Data

Attach additional contextual data to errors:

Copy// Add single data field
err := ez.NewRoot(op, ez.EINVALID, "Invalid user data").
    AddData("user_id", "123")

// Add multiple data fields at once
err := ez.NewRoot(op, ez.ECONFLICT, "User already exists").
        "username": user.Username,
        "email":    user.Email,

// Access error data
data := ez.ErrorData(err) // Returns map[string]interface{}
userID := data["user_id"].(string)

Data is preserved when wrapping errors:

err := ez.NewRoot(op, ez.ENOTFOUND, "User not found").
    AddData("user_id", "123")

wrappedErr := ez.Wrap("UserService.GetUser", err)
data := ez.ErrorData(wrappedErr) // Still contains "user_id"

4. Error Information Extraction

Easy access to error details:

// Get error code
code := ez.ErrorCode(err)    // e.g., "invalid"

// Get user message
msg := ez.ErrorMessage(err)  // e.g., "Username is required"

// Get full error trace (for developers)
ez.ErrorStacktrace(err)         // e.g., "UserService.CreateUser: <invalid> Username is required"


Here's an example showing how to handle errors with ez:

func (s *UserService) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) error {
    const op = "UserService.CreateUser"

    // Validation error (end user focused)
    if user.Username == "" {
        return ez.New(op, ez.EINVALID, "Username is required", nil)

    // Check for conflicts (application logic focused)
    exists, err := s.checkUserExists(user.Username)
    if err != nil {
        return ez.Wrap(op, err) // Wraps internal error for developers
    if exists {
        return ez.New(op, ez.ECONFLICT,
            "Username is already taken. Please choose another one.", nil).AddData("username", user.Username)

    // Database error (developer focused)
    if err := s.db.CreateUser(user); err != nil {
        return ez.Wrap(op, err)

    return nil

Handling the Error

user := &User{Username: ""}
err := svc.CreateUser(ctx, user)

// Application logic
switch ez.ErrorCode(err) {
case ez.EINVALID:
    // Handle validation error
case ez.ECONFLICT:
    // Handle conflict error
case ez.EINTERNAL:
    // Handle internal error

// End user message
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error:", ez.ErrorMessage(err))
    // Output: "Error: Username is already taken"
    if username, ok := data["username"].(string); ok {
        // Return specific username error

// Developer debugging
if err != nil {
    // Output: "UserService.CreateUser: <invalid> Username is already taken"


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Minimalistic package for handling Go errors in an easy way








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