Classify the chances of having a Heart Attack based on your Heart's Condition.
In this end-to-end Machine Learning project-tutorial, I have created and trained Multi-Layer model from scratch, using NumPy.
Furthermore, the model with the best accuracy is embedded in the web-app developed using streamlit module for the purpose of classification of your Heart's Condition.
This project uses the popular Heart Attack Analysis & Prediction Dataset for training the model and making predictions.
For the purpose of prediction and classification, the features given in the table below are used.
Detailed description about the features is provided within the table.
Features | Description |
Age | Age of the patient |
Sex | Sex of the patient |
cp | Chest Pain type chest pain type:
trtbps | Resting Blood Pressure (in mm Hg) |
chol | Cholestoral in mg/dl fetched via BMI Sensor |
fbs |
(Fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl)
restecg |
thalach | Maximum Heart Rate achieved |
exang | Exercise induced angina
Oldpeak | ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest |
slp | Peak exercise ST segment Slop
caa | The number of major vessels (0–3) |
thall | A blood disorder called Thalassemia
target | Percentage of deliverable volume
This project provided hands-on experience in real-time data handling and working behind Neural Networks :
- Data preprocessing and cleaning for training and testing the data
- Building an efficient Neural Network (Multi-Layer Perceptron) from scratch using NumPy
- Mathematics behind Activation Functions and Gradient Losses
- Web-app development using Streamlit