I'm Victor Landim. I'm a front-end engineer focused on React, Node, Typescript and everything in between.
My interests include music theory, photography and functional programming.
- Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Sass, SEO, Typescript, Javascript, ES6, React, Redux, Next.js, Storybook, Jest, Cypress
- Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, REST, GraphQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- Deployment: Docker, Babel, AWS, EB, EC2
- Familiar with: Go, Elixir, Python, Kubernetes
- Curious about: Threejs, Elm, Clojure, Rescript
📪Email: hi@victorlandim.com
💻Portfolio: victorlandim.com
📄 Resume: victorlandim.com/cv
😺 Github: github.com/VictorLandim
💼 Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/victor-landim
📸 Photography portfolio: victor.photos