- I'm a Programmer and a Computer Science Graduate 🎓
- Java ☕️, Python 🐍, Dart 🎯
- HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, ReactJs, Dart (Flutter), Django (Python Framework).
- MySQL, Oracle Database, FirebaseFirestore, SQflite, SQLite3.
The Food Recipe app is a comprehensive mobile application that allows users to explore a wide variety of delicious food recipes. With an intuitive user interface and seamless integration with popul…
A discord Server Bot made with Python, This bot helps people feel better by inspiring them with motivational quotes or by responding with a great message, also the users of the server can create cu…
This web page is a clone of ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It has been recreated using the Django framework and leverages the OpenAI API to provide an interactive chatbot e…
Account creation Page with multiple steps, Cool design with smooth Transitions, and Gradient progress bar, made with HTML, CSS, JS.
This website was made for my University web programming Project , The website is for Interior & Exterior designers with Subscription Plans, And I made it with HTML+CSS+PHP+HVMM.