Clone the repository using the following command: Install the dependencies using the following command:
npm i
Fill in all the required environment variables(copy .env-example to .env and fill it).
Deploy contract to the chain (mumbai testnet):
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network polygon-mumbai
Create new task(s) ans save it(them) in the folder "tasks". Add a new task name in the file "tasks/index.ts".
Running a task:
npx hardhat mint --user {USER_ADDRESS} --amount 1230000000000000000 --token {TOKEN_ADDRESS} --network polygon-mumbai
Note: Replace {USER_ADDRESS} with the address of the wallet and {TOKEN_ADDRESS} with the address of the token.
Verify the installation by running the following command:
npx hardhat verify --network polygon-mumbai {TOKEN_ADDRESS} "MyToken" "MTK"
Note: Replace {TOKEN_ADDRESS} with the address of the token, "MyToken" with the name of the token and "MTK" with the symbol of the token.