A Python package that provides you with up-to-date information about all German highways (Autobahn). The package returns traffic informations, electric charging stations, webcams, road works, closures and more. It uses the API of Autobahn GmbH (https://autobahn.api.bund.dev/) and delivers the results in easy to use DataFrames.
For now you need to install the wheel file, I will publish it on PyPI soon.
If you are in the root directory, just use:
pip install -e .
Or you go to the dist directory and use:
pip install .\autotraffic-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
import autotraffic
# Initialize
api = autotraffic.Autobahn()
# Get all highways (road_ids)
highways = api.get_highways()
| | roads |
| 0 | A1 |
| 1 | A2 |
| 2 | A3 |
Now you can request more information such as road works, webcams, warnings, resting/parking areas, closures and electric charging stations by using the road_id from the roads column of highways.
In addition, you can also retrieve specific details by using the identifier column values and get_..._details(identifier), as shown below.
# ----------- Road Works ----------- #
road_id = 'A1'
roadworks = api.get_roadworks(road_id)
# Choose a specific roadwork (if not empty).
roadwork_id = roadworks['identifier'][0]
# Get some details
roadwork_details = api.get_roadwork_details(roadwork_id)
"extent": "10.728384054665147,54.00605746113356,10.775848767524598,54.09436740278899",
"identifier": "Uk9BRFdPUktTX19tZG0uc2hfXzYzMTU=",
"routeRecommendation": [],
"coordinate": {
"lat": "54.006057",
"long": "10.729057"
"footer": [],
"icon": "123",
"isBlocked": "false",
"description": [
"Beginn: 29.06.2021 09:00",
"Ende: 28.11.2021 17:00",
"Art der Ma\u00dfnahme:Asphaltdeckenerneuerung",
"Einschr\u00e4nkungen:Es steht nur 1 Fahrstreifen zur Verf\u00fcgung.\n\nVollsperrung der AS Eutin Ostseite vom 17.07.2021 - 15.09.2021.\n\nVollsperrung der AS Scharbeutz Ostseite vom 16.09.2021 - 17.11.2021.",
"Maximale Durchfahrsbreite: 3.25\n"
"title": "A1 | AS Pansdorf (17) - AS Neustadt-Mitte (14)",
"point": "10.729057,54.006057",
"display_type": "ROADWORKS",
"lorryParkingFeatureIcons": [],
"future": false,
"subtitle": "L\u00fcbeck Richtung Fehmarn",
"startTimestamp": "2021-06-29T09:00:00.000+0200"
# ----------- Webcams ----------- #
webcams = api.get_webcams(road_id)
# Choose a specific webcam (if not empty).
webcam_id = webcams['identifier'][0]
# Get some details
webcam_details = api.get_webcams_details(webcam_id)
"extent": "6.861151,50.987423,6.861151,50.987423",
"identifier": "V0VCQ0FNX19OUldfU2lsYS1TaWduYWxiYXVfMTAxMDgxMDk4ODE2NDgyOTQ4NTQ=",
"routeRecommendation": [],
"coordinate": {
"lat": "50.987423",
"long": "6.861151"
"footer": [
"ID: WEBCAM__NRW_Sila-Signalbau_10108109881648294854"
"icon": "webcam",
"isBlocked": "false",
"description": [],
"title": "A1 | ID005 AK K\u00f6ln-Nord",
"operator": "NRW",
"point": "6.861151,50.987423",
"display_type": "WEBCAM",
"lorryParkingFeatureIcons": [],
"future": false,
"imageurl": "https://www.verkehr.nrw/webcams/10108109881648294854.jpg",
"subtitle": "Blickrichtung Dortmund",
"linkurl": "https://www.blitzvideoserver.de/player_strassennrw.html?serverip="
You can use "imageurl" to load the image data and display it.
import io
import requests
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Choose the first one (for the demo)
image_url = webcams['imageurl'][0]
# Request the content
data = requests.get(image_url).content
# Read the byte data into an imgage
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(data))
# Display the image
# ----------- Warnings ----------- #
road_id = 'A1'
warnings = api.get_warnings(road_id)
# Choose a specific warning (if not empty).
warning_id = warnings['identifier'][0]
# Get some details
warning_details = api.get_warning_details(warning_id)
"extent": "9.80449,53.36979,9.86097,53.37301",
"identifier": "V0FSTklOR19fbWRtLnZpel9fTE1TLU5JL3JfTE1TLU5JLzIyNjU5Ml9EICBOSSBMTVMtTkkgIC4w",
"routeRecommendation": [],
"coordinate": {
"lat": "53.373010",
"long": "9.860970"
"footer": [],
"icon": "101",
"isBlocked": "false",
"description": [
"Beginn: 29.08.2021 11:46",
"A1, A261 Hamburg Richtung Hamburg-S\u00fcdwest",
"in H\u00f6he Buchholzer Dreieck",
"title": "A1 | AD Buchholzer Dreieck (43) - AS Rade (44)",
"point": "9.860970,53.373010",
"display_type": "WARNING",
"lorryParkingFeatureIcons": [],
"future": false,
"subtitle": "Hamburg Richtung Bremen",
"startTimestamp": "2021-08-29T11:46:38.000+0200"
# ----------- Resting Areas ----------- #
road_id = 'A1'
resting_areas = api.get_resting_areas(road_id)
# Choose a specific resting area (if not empty).
resting_area_id = resting_areas['identifier'][0]
# Get some details
resting_area_details = api.get_resting_area_details(resting_area_id)
"extent": "10.979849815368652,54.362571716308594,10.979849815368652,54.362571716308594",
"identifier": "UEFSS0lOR19fbWRtLmxvcnJ5LnBhcmtpbmdfX0RFLVNILTAwMTEwOA==",
"routeRecommendation": [],
"coordinate": {
"lat": "54.362572",
"long": "10.979850"
"footer": [],
"icon": "314-50",
"isBlocked": "false",
"description": [
"PKW Stellpl\u00e4tze: 21 ",
"LKW Stellpl\u00e4tze: 20 "
"title": "A 1 | Richtung Puttgarden",
"point": "10.979850,54.362572",
"display_type": "PARKING",
"lorryParkingFeatureIcons": [
"icon": "almofont almo-picnic_facility",
"description": "Picknickm\u00f6glichkeiten",
"style": ""
"icon": "almofont almo-restroom",
"description": "Toilette vorhanden",
"style": ""
"future": false,
"subtitle": "(Ostseeblick S)"
# ----------- Closures ----------- #
road_id = 'A1'
closures = api.get_closures(road_id)
# Choose a specific closure (if not empty).
closure_id = closures['identifier'][0]
# Get some details
closure_details = api.get_closure_details(closure_id)
"extent": "8.020042501838338,52.3416333067941,8.043980021997255,52.394651600625224",
"identifier": "Q0xPU1VSRV9fbWRtLm5pX18xNjY1MQ==",
"routeRecommendation": [],
"coordinate": {
"lat": "52.341633",
"long": "8.020043"
"footer": [],
"icon": "250",
"isBlocked": "false",
"description": [
"Beginn: 30.08.2021 19:00",
"Ende: 03.09.2021 06:00",
"(Ende der Gesamtma\u00dfnahme: 03.09.2021)",
"L\u00e4nge: 6.38 km"
"title": "A1 | AS Osnabr\u00fcck-Nord (70) - AS Bramsche (68)",
"point": "8.020043,52.341633",
"display_type": "CLOSURE",
"lorryParkingFeatureIcons": [],
"future": true,
"subtitle": "Osnabr\u00fcck Richtung Bremen",
"startTimestamp": "2021-08-30T19:00:00.000+0200"
# ----------- Charging Stations ----------- #
road_id = 'A1'
charging_stations = api.get_charging_stations(road_id)
# Choose a specific charging station (if not empty).
charging_station_id = charging_stations['identifier'][0]
# Get some details
charging_station_details = api.get_charging_station_details(charging_station_id)
"extent": "9.176298,53.090847,9.176298,53.090847",
"identifier": "RUxFQ1RSSUNfQ0hBUkdJTkdfU1RBVElPTl9fMTI2OTk=",
"routeRecommendation": [],
"coordinate": {
"lat": "53.090847",
"long": "9.176298"
"footer": [],
"icon": "charging_plug_strong",
"isBlocked": "false",
"description": [
"A1 | Bremen | Rastst\u00e4tte Grundbergsee Nord",
"27376 Sottrum",
"Ladepunkt 1:",
"AC Kupplung Typ 2",
"43 kW",
"Ladepunkt 2:",
"DC Kupplung Combo, DC CHAdeMO",
"50 kW"
"title": "A1 | Bremen | Rastst\u00e4tte Grundbergsee Nord",
"point": "9.176298,53.090847",
"lorryParkingFeatureIcons": [],
"future": false,
"subtitle": "Schnellladeeinrichtung"
I will add some useful 'end-to-end' code examples below.
import io
import requests
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import autotraffic
# Initialize
api = autotraffic.Autobahn()
#roads = api.get_highways()
road_id = 'A3'
# Get all webcams
webcams = api.get_webcams(road_id)
# Choose the first one (for the demo)
image_url = webcams['imageurl'][0]
# Request the content
data = requests.get(image_url).content
# Read the byte data into an imgage
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(data))
# Display the image