Hikari OS is a hobby operating system for the x86_64 architecture, written completely from scratch.
The build process of the Hikari OS requires a UNIX-like environment. These are the tools needed:
- Python 3
- SCons
- GNU Make
- GNU Coreutils
- GCC / Clang
- QEMU (for running)
- Bochs (for debugging)
None of the build process steps require root provileges.
$ toolchain/install.sh
$ scons -j 4
$ make image
To run the built image, execute one of the following commands:
$ make qemu # Run QEMU without KVM.
$ make qemu-kvm # Run QEMU with KVM.
$ make bochs # Debug the system.
- boot - bootloader
- logs - runtime output
- tools - various scripts and programs used to build the operating system
Horizon Operating System is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.