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How to run


  • JDK 11
  • PostgreSQL


  1. Create a Postgres user named choice with a password.
  2. Create a database named choice and give the user from the previous step access to it.
  3. In application.yml replace <database> in spring.datasource.url with choice and <ldap-group> in wisvch.connect.admin-groups .
  4. Set the username and password options below that to choice and the password that you picked respectively.
  5. Set wisvch.connect.admin-groups to hoothub.
  6. Run the bootRun Gradle task with ./gradlew bootRun or gradlew.bat bootRun if you're on Windows.
  7. Go to localhost:8080/choice2/dashboard/, you'll be redirected to a CH Connect page where you have to grant access. You may have to log in first.
  8. If everything went well you should now be able to access CHoice at the same URL.

Built with

  • Gradle - Build and dependency management tool
  • Spring Boot - Web framework
  • Thymeleaf - HTML templating
  • PostgreSQL - Database