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My personal Vim config

I'm a Vim lover, although I used and tested a whole bunch of text editors and IDEs, Vim is still my favorite tool. This repo allows me to deploy my Vim env to all my servers/machines.

I mostly do LAMP dev and sysadmin tasks on Debian 10/11 servers, so if you think it might suit your needs too, feel free to clone it :).

This vimrc works also fine on my Mac, using MacVim and vim/NeoVim on this platform.

Update: This config now uses [vim-nerdfont] ( to add some fancy icons. You can enable/disable this by setting g:devicons_enabled to 1/0 in override_vimrc (This is enabled by default). Deoplete (Neovim), NeoComplete (Vim 8 et Vim 7.4) and NeoSnippet are now included. Note that NeoComplete requires vim to be compiled with LUA support - installing vim-nox package takes care of this :

sudo apt install vim-nox

Deoplete requires Python3 and Neovim Python3 module :

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install neovim

How to install :

  1. Clone this repo to your home directory
  2. cd to vimconfig
  3. run
  4. Done =)

Custom keys

  • F2 : Toggle paste mode
  • F3 : Set dark mode
  • F4 : Set light mode
  • F5 : Previous Buffer
  • F6 : Next Buffer
  • F7 : Switch last two Buffers
  • F8 : Toggle Tagbar
  • F9 : Toggle dark/light mode
  • F12 : Redraw Airline


You may need tagbar-phpctags if you're into PHP coding. If so, install the required bits

curl -Ss > phpctags
chmod +x phpctags
sudo mv phpctags /usr/local/bin

Custom commands available:


Invoke ctags in the current directory recursevely to create tags for your code : You can then navigate your code jumping from where a method is used to where this method is defined, and back.

command! MakeTags !ctags -R --exclude='*.js' .


Seek and delete blank characters at EOL

command! TrimWhiteSpaces %s/\s\+$//g

w!! (mapping)

Write file when forgot to use sudo

cmap w!! w !sudo tee "%" >/dev/null

Custom shortcuts

  • Ctrl-Tab : Emmet shortcut for HTML file (loaded via filetype autocmd)
  • ,q : Close current buffer
  • jj : Quick Return to Normal Mode from Insert Mode
  • ,v : Open .vimrc
  • ,n : Cycle between number,relativenumber,nonumber
  • crX : Edit macro X

Overriding provided config

If something in the config isn't working properly on a given machine, you can override settings by using a file named 'override_vimrc'. Simply create this file and add the various settings you like to change in it. It will be loaded automatically at startup. The idea here is to have a way to stay synced with this github branch, while preserving the ability to make some per-host modifications if needed/required.