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Jim Mainprice edited this page Aug 3, 2013 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the drc_hubo wiki! This repository provides a planning, control and user interaction framework for the valve turning event of DRC. It relies on ACH and ROS, as well as the following software components :

  • hubo-ach : ach-based communication layer for hubos
  • hubo-motion-rt : realtime controllers based on hubo-ach
  • hubo_ros_core : ros suite that defines messages and provides a ROS interface to hubo
  • hubo_ros_control : ros suite that defines messages, services and actionLibs to control hubos (sensor head and fullbody)
  • drc_common : valve turning robot-agnostic code
  • drchubo : kinematic, geometric and dynamic descriptions (urdf and orxml) of hubos
  • localization_tools : frontend localization tools using interactive markers and backend tools using ICP
  • comps : the Constrained Manipulation Planning Suite, an openrave plugin
  • RobotSim : robot simulation, planning, and control package from Indiana University

Follow the steps listed in the install and launch scripts to access the full pipeline with a simulated hardware layer in RobotSim:

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