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MIDI arrangements of classical music pieces.

Please note that the MIDIs are to be used solely for NBS (but are written such that they can be logically read as a set of parts/voices), as they are specially designed such that they can be imported directly into NBS (or similar) and be mostly within octave range. As such, I do not recommend trying to use them for other purposes.

NOTE - The MIDIs are not completely error-free (both in terms of arrangement and in terms of NBS). You might need to change a few notes in NBS yourself, but it is much easier than having to manually change everything from an imported score MIDI (e.g. a piano solo).
NOTE II - Additionally, most pieces listed here are imported into NBS at x2 or above precision. You must trial and error until it sounds good.

File format - (TITLE OF PIECE)_(x1)(x2)(x3)...
SYMBOLS (x1)(x2) ... - order of channel settings, from top to bottom.

D = double bass (F#1 - F#3) - requires +2 octave modifier
G = guitar (F#2 - F#4) - requires +1 octave modifier
H = harp (F#3 - F#5) - requires no octave modifier
F = flute (F#4 - F#6) - requires -1 octave modifier
B = bell (F#5 - F#7) - requires -2 octave modifier


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